Nigerian J Paediatrics 2017 vol 44 issue 1

Nigerian J Paediatrics 2017 vol 44 issue 1

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Evaluation of the Bilicheck transcutaneous bilirubinometer in jaundiced Nigerian term and preterm neonates
Niger J Paediatr 2019; 46 (1):30 – 38
Akinbolagbe YO
Ezeaka VC
Evaluation of the Bilicheck®
Akinsulie AO
transcutaneous bilirubinometer
in jaundiced Nigerian term and
preterm neonates
Accepted: 19th February 2018
Abstract : Background : Transcu-
diazo method.
Results : The mean (SD) difference
Akinbolagbe YO (
shown some promise as a safe,
between TcB and TSB was 1.5
Department of Paediatrics,
non-invasive method that corre-
(2.6) mg/dL (95% CI of 1.2 - 1.9
Lagos University Teaching
lates well with traditional labora-
mg/dL); p= 0.000. There was
Hospital, Idi-araba, PMB 12003.
tory methods of estimating serum
strong correlation between TcB
Lagos, Nigeria.
bilirubin. However there is a pau-
and TSB with a correlation coeffi-
city of studies done on neonates
cient (r) of 0.77 (p = 0.000). The
of African descent.
95% limits of agreement were be-
Ezeaka VC, Akinsulie AO
Aim : The aim of the study was to
tween -3.5mg/dL and 6.6mg/dL.
Department of Paediatrics,
evaluate the diagnostic perform-
There was poor correlation be-
College of Medicine, University of
ance of the Bilichek® transcuta-
tween TcB and TSB of r= 0.43 at
Lagos/ Lagos University Teaching
neous bilirubinometer in jaun-
high TSB levels >12mg/dl. The
Hospital, Idi-araba, PMB 12003.
diced Nigerian term and preterm
TcB cut-off that most accurately
Lagos, Nigeria
predicted TSB was 11.7mg/dL.
Methods : This was a cross-
Conclusion :
sectional study involving 169
bilirubinometry is
a reliable
jaundiced preterm and term neo-
screening method for assessing
nates studied over a 4 month pe-
severity of hyperbilirubinaemia in
riod. A total of 200 transcutane-
black African neonates. However,
ous bilirubin (TcB) readings de-
due to the occurrence of wide dis-
termined using the Bilichek®
device were obtained simultane-
bilirubin measurements should be
ously with total serum bilirubin
done for TcB values above
(TSB) readings determined by the
and vitros), enzymatic methods and spectrophotometric
Because it is expensive, cumbersome and
Neonatal jaundice (NNJ) is one of the most common
highly technical, HPLC is rarely used in clinical prac-
presenting complaints in the newborn period, occurring
in 30-60% of term infants and almost all preterms. In
the United States of America, it affects about 60% of
The indirect methods are visual assessment, icterometer,
term babies and 80% of preterms. In Kenya, Africa,
and transcutaneous bilirubinometry which measure
prevalence is about 35%. In Nigeria, mostly from hos-
bilirubin in the skin as an estimate of total serum
pital based studies, the prevalence of neonatal jaundice
bilirubin. Studies have shown high correlation between
is between 16.9 and 45.6%
and as high as 71.2%
among preterms. Though most cases are self-limiting
the intensity of the yellow colour of the skin and serum
bilirubin levels. 14-16
Bilirubin estimation from the blood
and do not require treatment, NNJ can lead to serious
by various laboratory methods is currently the most ac-
and life-threatening complications like acute bilirubin
curate and widely used method, though fraught with its
encephalopathy (ABE), cerebral palsy and deafness.
own deficiencies. 17-19
They require specialized person-
nel and equipment which are not always readily avail-
The management of neonatal jaundice largely depends
able in resource poor countries. Repeated blood sam-
on accurate assessment of bilirubin levels. There are
pling is also often required with the attendant risk of
various methods of estimating the level of bilirubin in
infection to both patient and healthcare provider. This
the blood. The methods can be direct from invasive
can also lead to iatrogenic anaemia which is particularly
blood sampling or indirect, measured non-invasively via
an issue in preterm babies with their smaller blood vol-
the skin. The gold standard method is High Performance
umes. These limitations have stimulated a lot of research
Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), which can assay all
on transcutaneous bilirubinometry, which started gain-
forms of bilirubin, including protein-bound bilirubin.
ing some credence following the development of the
Other direct methods include coupling reactions (diazo
first transcutaneous bilirubinometer for clinical use in
Japan during the 1980s.
These earlier types such as
Materials and Methods
JM101® and JM102® though useful for screening and
Study site and source population
research purposes were found to be grossly inaccurate in
neonates with low gestational age, low birth weight,
The study location was at a tertiary health institution,
dark skin pigmentation and during phototherapy use.
Lagos University Teaching Hospital, in Lagos State.
Lagos is a metropolitan megacity in southwest Nigeria.
The Bilichek® ((Respironics inc., Murrysville, PA,
The hospital has about 761 beds, with an average of 170
USA) a non-invasive Bilirubin Analyzer,
is a multi-
babies delivered in the labour ward complex monthly.
wavelength transcutaneous bilirubinometer. It was de-
An approximate number of 30 and 33 cases of neonatal
veloped with refinement of the old technology, to coun-
jaundice are managed per month in the inborn NICU and
teract the earlier defects or inadequacies. It works by
Children’s Emergency Room/ out born NICU respec-
directing light into the skin of the neonate, analyzing the
tively with about 25% of them being preterm neonates.
spectrum of optical signals reflected from the neonate’s
Apparently healthy jaundiced neonates are also seen at
subcutaneous tissues and converting them to an electri-
the post-natal ward with their mothers or at the out-
cal signal by a photocell which is analyzed by a micro-
patient clinic on follow up after discharge from hospital.
processor to generate a serum bilirubin value. The major
Averages of 2500 babies are seen annually in these loca-
skin components which impact the spectral reflectance
tions at the hospital.
in neonates are: melanin, dermal maturity, haemoglobin
Ethical approval was obtained from the Health research
and bilirubin.
ethics committee of the Hospital. Written informed con-
sent was obtained from the parents of the participants.
The newer multi-wavelength meters such as Bilichek®,
No extra cost was incurred by the patients on account of
subtract the spectral contribution of the known skin
the study.
components and the bilirubin absorbance is thus quanti-
fied, with results displayed directly in either mg/dl or
Study design
μ mol/L.
Various studies done worldwide, have re-
ported the device to be quite accurate in estimating se-
This was a cross-sectional study among jaundiced neo-
rum bilirubin with good correlation, agreement, sensitiv-
nates involving clinical and laboratory data.
ity, specificity, and positive predictive value when com-
pared with various laboratory methods.
Its accu-
Selection and description of participants
racy has also been found not to be affected by skin col-
our, birth weight, gestational age, post-natal age
The study was carried out over a four-month period
and phototherapy, if measurement is taken on a patched
(August 2013 through November 2013). All jaundiced
Bhutani et al in the US, compared the
part of skin.
neonates for whom a serum bilirubin measurement was
Bilichek® device with HPLC and found it to be accurate
required were eligible for the study. Inclusion criteria
with a good correlation of r = 0.91, mean difference
[HPLC-Transcutaneous bilirubin (TcB)] of 0.47mg/dl,
Postnatal age from birth to 28 days of life,
sensitivity of 100%, specificity of 88.1%, negative pre-
Gestational age of 27 to 41 weeks,
dictive value of 100%, positive predictive value of
Weight range between 1000 and 4995 grams.
32.8% and likelihood ratio of 8.43. However, this study
These criteria were selected according to the category of
had preponderance of Caucasian neonates who were
patients for which the manufacturers of the Bilichek®
mostly term and of normal birth weights.
device stated that its performance had been clinically
Exclusion criteria were:
There is a paucity of literature on studies evaluating the
utility of the Bilichek® device in Africa, with popula-
Exposure to phototherapy before recruitment (those
tions of predominantly black neonates. An earlier study
patients used for the study while receiving photo-
done in 2004 by Slusher et al in Jos, and a recent one
therapy, had an area of forehead patched before
by Olusanya et al
in Lagos, both in Nigeria found
good correlation between the device and serum
Undergoing an exchange blood transfusion,
bilirubin. However they also both obtained wide dispari-
Skin lesion on measurement site (forehead) such as
ties between both methods, with overestimation by the
bruising, nevus, haemangioma, haematomas, birth-
Bilichek® device, compared with studies done in Cau-
marks and excessive hairiness.
casian subjects. Rylance and colleagues in Malawi also
documented similar findings of good correlation. Some
The sample size was determined using the formula for
difference of means.
of these African studies excluded patients with certain
From previous study by Leite et
characteristics like pre-terms, sick neonates, out-born
al: difference between mean transcutaneous bilirubin
neonates and those receiving phototherapy. This study
(TcB) and total serum bilirubin (TSB) = 0.72 mg/dL and
therefore, aimed to fill some gaps in knowledge about
standard deviation of the difference between mean TcB
the diagnostic performance of the Bilichek® transcuta-
and TSB = 1.57.
By substituting in the formula, using
neous bilirubinometer, among jaundiced neonates of
a power of 80%, the minimum sample size was calcu-
African descent, in a typical hospital setting.
lated to be 154.8; this was rounded off to 155 paired
readings. A total of 200 paired readings were done to
account for incomplete data, invalid measurements or
lysed blood samples. Paired reading refers to measure-
and subsequent TcB measurements for them were done
ment of different variables (TcB and TSB) on the same
at the patched area. All transcutaneous measurements
subject done simultaneously or within a short interval of
were performed by the same researcher (AY).
each other. Patient selection was consecutive until sam-
ple size of number of paired readings calculated was
Data Analysis
reached. Multiple paired readings were done on patients
who required repeat bilirubin estimations.
Data was initially entered into a Microsoft Excel spread-
sheet (2007 version) then analysis was done using the
After assessing for the inclusion and exclusion criteria,
Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) for
paired transcutaneous bilirubin measurement (average of
windows software version 20.0. Means and standard
five measurements) and blood sample collection for
deviations were calculated for continuous variables. The
serum bilirubin estimation was done within 30 minutes
difference between means of TcB and TSB were com-
of each other.
pared using the paired Student’s t -test. Linear regression
equation of TcB on TSB was generated.
Blood sample collection and analysis
Pearson’s correlation co -efficient (r) and coefficient of
determination (R ) were calculated to assess the relation-
Blood sample collection for the TSB measurement was
ship between the two methods of measurement. Agree-
by venepuncture as routinely done in the hospital. The
ment between TcB and TSB was determined using the
method of Bland and Altman;
specimen bottles were wrapped with aluminum foil pa-
the laboratory method
per to protect the specimen from light and avoid photo
was used as the ‘gold standard.’ For the purpose of the
conversion of bilirubin; then transported to the depart-
study, the pre-determined acceptable limit of agreement
mental laboratory and analyzed immediately with a time
between TcB and TSB was taken as 30 µmol/L or 2 mg/
dL. Limits of agreement of the mean differences were
lag of not more than 15 minutes. Sample analysis was
carried out at the Department of Paediatrics Research
given as 95% confidence intervals (CIs).
Laboratory. This laboratory routinely processes about 60
-70% of blood samples from paediatric patients in the
The performance of the Bilichek® device at high levels
hospital for various investigations including serum
of TSB was assessed by segregating subjects into two
bilirubin. The total and conjugated bilirubin was quanti-
groups; ≤ 12 mg/dL (low) and >12 mg/dL (high ). These
fied by the Malloy and Evelyn (Diazo) Method and the
levels were based on the institutional protocol of initiat-
bilirubin values read using the SFRI BSA-3000® Chem-
ing treatment of NNJ at TSB levels of above 12 mg/dL
istry Auto Analyzer, France according to the manufac-
for term babies (depending on postnatal age and pres-
turer’s instructions. The working reagent used to obtain
ence of risk factors, this level could be lower or higher).
the diazo derivative was prepared freshly daily, as well
For pre-terms the level for treatment is based on the
as daily calibration and standardization of the spectro-
weight (10 × infant weight in kg) or the same level for
photometer. The sample analysis was done in conjunc-
term babies, whichever is lower. Correlation coefficients
tion with two dedicated laboratory scientists with regu-
and Bland-Altman plots were also generated for these
lar inter-rater comparison of results. Quality control was
two groups.
done 2-4 weekly by analysis of the same sample in two
other laboratories in the hospital (Main Chemical Pa-
The sensitivity and specificity of the TcB measurement
thology laboratory and Department of Medicine labora-
to predict accurately the TSB at a range of values was
tory). Comparison of results was then undertaken with
estimated and plotted on receiver operator characteristic
necessary adjustments and recalibration of equipment
(ROC) curves. The interpretation of the area under the
done if necessary.
curve is as follows: 0.90 - 1(excellent); 0.80 - 0.90
(good); 0.70 - 0.80 (fair); 0.60 - 0.70 (poor); 0.50-0.60
Transcutaneous bilirubin measurement
(fail). The TcB cutoff point with the best sensitivity and
specificity to predict TSB was determined. The level of
The transcutaneous measurement was done with the non
statistical significance was set at p < 0.05.
-invasive Bilichek® bilirubin analyzer (Respironics inc.,
Murrysville, PA, U.S.A.). This is a handheld device that
estimates total serum bilirubin via the skin at multi-
wavelengths. Measurement was done according to the
manufacturer’s instructions.
For each measurement, a
disposable calibration tip (Bilical®) was attached to the
A total of 200 paired readings were taken from 169 ba-
fibreoptic probe. If calibration was successful, five con-
bies (multiple readings were taken from some babies).
secutive measurements were taken from the forehead,
The babies were all of Nigerian origin. The study popu-
before an average final reading was displayed either in
lation consisted of 93 (55.0%) preterm neonates and 76
mg/dL or µmol/L according to the setting fixed. For the
(45.0%) term neonates. One hundred and twenty and 80
purpose of this study, the device was set to display re-
paired TcB and TSB readings were carried out on the
sults in mg/dL. The process took an average of 30 sec-
two groups respectively. Ninety-one (53.8%) males and
onds to 1minute. For patients requiring phototherapy, a
78 (46.2%) females were studied, giving a male: female
phototherapy protective patch (BiliEclipse®) was ap-
ratio of 1.2: 1. One hundred and four (61.5%) patients
plied to the forehead before commencement of treatment
were inborn while 65 (38.5%) were out-born. Table 1
summarizes the baseline characteristics of the subjects.
The correlation coefficient (r) between TSB levels and
Table 1: Baseline characteristics of the study population
(gestational age less than 37 weeks) was 0.80 while that
n (%)
for term neonates (gestational age 37 weeks and above)
( N=169)
was 0.73. Both correlation coefficients were strongly
Gestational age (weeks)
35.0 (3.9)
positive with p values of 0.000. The correlation coeffi-
cient in preterm neonates was higher than that for term
27 - 30
30 (17.8)
neonates, however this difference was not statistically
31 - 33
32 (19.0)
34 - 36
31 (18.3)
significant (p = 0.37, Z - 0.899).
37 - 39
40 (23.6)
40 - 42
36 (21.3)
Fig 1: Linear regression of TcB on TSB for all the readings
Birth weight Groups*
2335 (880)
40 (23.6)
54 (32.0)
75 (44.4)
91 (53.8)
78 (46.2)
M:F; 1.2:1
Postnatal age (hours)
107 (72)
Site of Birth
65 (38.5%)
104 (61.5%)
Phototherapy use
30 (17.8%)
No phototherapy
139 (82.2%)
*VLBW= very low birth weight; LBW= low birth weight; NBW=
Figure 2 is a Bland-Altman plot of the paired readings
normal birth weight
showing the agreement between TSB and TcB. It is a
plot of the differences between TcB and TSB against the
Five neonates had TcB readings of ‘HIGH’, indicating
mean or average of the paired values. The red broken
values of above 20 mg/dL. These TcB measurements
line represents the bias (mean TcB-TSB), while the
and their corresponding TSB values were excluded from
black broken lines show the Upper (UP) and Lower
analysis. This was due to the inability of the transcutane-
(Lw) limits of agreement (95% Confidence interval of
ous bilirubinometer to generate a numeric value for the
the bias or mean difference). The adjoining table shows
TcB readings, which made it impossible to assess corre-
the figures for the bias, standard deviation (SD) of bias
lation and differences between the two measurements.
and the 95% Limits of agreement. It shows a bias of
Therefore 195 paired readings were eventually analyzed.
1.5mg/dL and 95% limit of agreement (imprecision) of
The number of paired readings per subject ranged be-
between -3.5mg/dL and 6.6mg/dL.
tween one and three taken between 24-96hr intervals,
Table 2 shows the correlation between TcB and TSB for
with 145 (85.8%) of the babies having only one paired
the ≤ 12 mg/dL TSB group and the
> 12 mg/dL
reading taken from them. TcB readings were generally
TSB group while Table 3 shows the difference in means
higher than TSB levels for most of the paired measure-
of TcB and TSB for the 2 TSB groups. The correlation
ments; 148 (76%). TcB readings were lower than TSB
coefficient (r) between TSB and TcB was 0.64 for the ≤
values in 41 (21%) of the paired measurements and were
12mg/dl TSB group and 0.43 for the ≥ 12mg/dl TSB
the same as TSB values in 6 (3%) of the paired measure-
ments. Seventy-seven (52%) out of 148 TcB readings,
were higher than corresponding TSB values by more
Fig 2: Bland-Altman plot of differences between TcB and
than 2 mg/dL, while 17 (41.5%) out of 41 TcB readings,
TSB against average or mean of TcB and TSB for all subjects.
were lower than corresponding TSB values by more
Upp (Upper), Lw (Lower), Diff (difference).
than 2 mg/dL. Thirty-three readings were taken from
patients receiving phototherapy. Thirty-two of them
were preterm while only one was a term neonate. The
five excluded paired readings were all from preterm
The mean (SD) of TcB readings was 11.3 (3.8) mg/dL.
This was higher than the mean (SD) TSB level of 9.8
(3.9) mg/dL with a difference of 1.5 mg/dL, SD of 2.6
mg/dL and 95% CI of 1.2-1.9 mg/dL. This difference
SD of bias
was statistically significant with a p value of 0.000, t =
95% Limits of Agreement
The overall correlation coefficient (r) between TSB and
TcB was 0.77 (p < 0.001). Figure 1 shows the scatter
diagram of the regression between TcB and TSB.
The agreement between TcB and TSB at the two differ-
ent TSB level groups was also determined by the
method of Bland and Altman. Figures 3 and 4 show the
Fig 4: The Bland-Altman plot of the difference between mean
Bland-Altman plots of the difference between TcB and
TcB and TSB against the mean of TcB and TSB for the > 12
TSB against the mean of TcB and TSB for the ≤ 12 mg/
mg/dL TSB group. Upp (Upper), Lw (Lower), (Diff) Differ-
dL and >12 mg/dL TSB level groups respectively. The
limits of agreement for the “low” TSB group were be-
tween - 3.0 and 6.7 mg/dL while that of the “high” TSB
group were between -8.0 and 7.8 mg/dL.
Table 2: The correlation between TcB and TSB at TSB levels
≤ 12 mg/dL and > 12 mg/dL
TSB ≤ 12 mg/dL
TSB > 12
Number of readings
SD of bias
95% Limits of Agreement
Correlation coefficient ( r )
Coefficient of determina-
tion (R )
P value
Fig 5: Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve of plots
Regression equation
TcB = 3.45 +
TcB = 10.23
of sensitivity and 1-specificity of TcB levels in predicting TSB
+ 0.35TSB
as gold standard test. The blue line represents the curve of the
The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve plot-
ted to assess the accuracy of TcB to predict TSB is
shown in Figure 5. The ROC curve was obtained by
plotting the sensitivity and specificity of TcB to predict
TSB (gold standard test) at different TcB cut-off levels.
In this curve, an area of 1 represents perfect sensitivity
and specificity of 100% each. The area under the curve
(AUC) for the two diagnostic modalities in this study
revealed an area of 0.73 (standard error of 0.05 and 95%
CI of 0.63 - 0.83). This showed that the accuracy of TcB
as a diagnostic method to predict TSB is “fair.” The best
TcB cutoff point which maximized sensitivity and speci-
ficity to produce this AUC was 11.65 mg/dL with sensi-
tivity of 0.87 and 1- specificity of 0.452.
Table 3: Difference in mean bilirubin readings of subjects at
different TSB levels
TSB ≤ 12 mg/dL
TSB >12 mg/dL
Number of readings
Mean TcB (SD) mg/dL
10.1 (3.1)
15.7 (2.3)
Mean TSB (SD) mg/dL
8.2 (2.5)
15.4 (2.8)
Mean difference (95%
1.9 (1.5 - 2.3)*
0.3 (-0.5 - 1.1)
CI) mg/dL
This study revealed that the transcutaneous bilirubin
Key: Paired t-test comparison between TcB and TSB for TSB
(TcB) readings generally overestimated the correspond-
values ≤ 12mg/dL and > 12mg/dL; *t statistic 9.349, degree of
ing total serum bilirubin (TSB) levels. Also the TcB
freedom = 151, p = 0.000, ** t statistic 0.675, degree of free-
dom = 42, p = 0.503.
readings obtained with the Bilichek® device, had strong
positive linear correlation with TSB levels. This finding
was consistent with previous studies
Fig 3: Bland-Altman plots of difference between mean TcB
and TSB and mean of TSB and TcB for the ≤ 12 mg/dL TSB
out both in Nigeria and in other regions worldwide.
group. Upp (Upper), Lw (Lower), Diff (Difference).
However, the correlation in the present study (r = 0.77)
was found to be slightly lower than that of others which
ranged from r of 0.79 to 0.98.
These differences could be due to variations between the
studies in relation to type of transcutaneous bilirubi-
nometer, laboratory method used for TSB analysis, and
population of neonates studied. For instance in other
studies done in Nigeria; Owa et al
used a different
transcutaneous bilirubinometer, JM 102®; Kayode-
Adedeji et al
SD of bias
used the JM103; Olusanya et al
95% Limits of Agreement
both Bilichek® and JM 103® and Slusher et al
the Bilichek® device. Rylance et al
in Malawi, used
the JM 103®. Furthermore, Owa et al
studied well,
Conversely Bhutani et al in the US,Rubaltelli et
al in Europe and Jangaard et al in Canada
term neonates; Kayode-Adedeji and colleagues
found an
ied only preterms; Olusanya et al
studied well, term,
underestimation of TSB by TcB. There was an overesti-
inborn neonates; Rylance et al studied both in and out-
mation of > 2mg/dl in about 52% of the babies com-
pared to the finding by Olusanya et al of 64.5%. Simi-
born, preterm and term neonates, excluding only ex-
tremely premature and very sick neonates; while the
lar findings of wide disparities between TcB and TSB of
present study and that of Slusher et al were carried out
>2-3mg/dl were also obtained from other studies by
Rylance et al in Malawi and Taylor and colleagues in
on both preterm and term neonates born in and out of
the hospital, regardless of their health status. Some of
the USA. This US study found this disparity more in
the other studies,
had study populations consisting
black neonates than in Caucasians.
mainly of term and well Caucasian subjects, this could
also account for the disparity in the correlation coeffi-
It was noticed that most of the studies above that found
cients observed.
an overestimation of TSB had either predominantly
There was strong linear correlation between TcB and
black or preterm subjects. This would further support
TSB for both preterm (r-0.80) and term neonates (r-
the contribution of melanin and reduced subcutaneous
0.73) with no statistically significant difference between
tissue to increased TcB measurements as proposed by
the correlation coefficients obtained for the two groups.
and shows that the technology improve-
This finding was in line with previous studies done by
ments made in the Bilichek device® may not be ade-
Deluca et al in Italy and Ahmed and colleagues in the
quately eliminating the effect of these factors.
UK who both documented good correlation between
Regarding performance of the Bilichek device® at dif-
TcB and TSB in preterm neonates. Contrary results were
ferent levels of TSB, the present study found weaker
reported by Jangaard et al in Halifax, Nova Scotia, of
correlation between TcB and TSB at “high” levels of
poorer performance of the Bilichek device in preterm
TSB above 12 mg/dL. This finding was also reported by
neonates, though they stated their small sample size of
other studies,
but was contrary to the study by
63 readings in preterm neonates as a limitation of their
Slusher et al who found a stronger correlation at levels
above 12 mg/dL. Slusher et al
however obtained an
underestimation of TSB at “high” levels of TSB which
The coefficient of determination (R ) obtained by this
was not corroborated in this study. This may be due to
study supported the linear relationship between TcB and
the small sample size of neonates with “high” TSB lev-
els of above 12 mg/dL, compared to the Slusher et al
TSB, but this was not very strong. Also, the slope of
0.74 and intercept of 4.02 obtained from the regression
study which consisted of a large population of neonates
equation generated in the present study, were consistent
with severe hyperbilirubinaemia. There was also a
with values of 0.73 and 4.5 obtained by Slusher and col-
poorer agreement between TcB readings and TSB lev-
els, at higher TSB levels similar to the Slusher et al
leagues but contrary to other studies which had higher
R , low intercepts of approximately 1 mg/dL and slopes
close to one.
The clinical implication of overestimation of TSB by
The high intercept and low coefficient of determination
TcB would be the tendency to increase the number of
obtained by this present study indicated the presence of
neonates requiring treatment, but would ensure no case
unknown factors or variables contributing to the TcB
of severe NNJ is missed. In the present study, 152 out of
readings generated which resulted in the TcB readings
the 195 readings had TSB values 12 mg/dL and below,
generally being higher than the corresponding TSB lev-
if only transcutaneous bilirubinometry was applied on
els. Slusher and colleagues had postulated that the rea-
them, 78% of blood sampling for TSB measurement
son for this high intercept could be due to the presence
would have been avoided. On the other hand, poor
of light absorbing non bilirubin, nutrition-derived yel-
agreement obtained, especially at high TSB levels with
low pigments (carotenoids) in the skin of the infants
differences as high as 8mg/dl between TcB and TSB,
which could interfere with TcB measurements since they
would necessitate confirmation of the total serum
share similar physical and optical characteristics with
bilirubin level by another method directly from the
This may also hold true in the population of the present
Due to the finding of poor agreement between TcB and
study, since babies here are from the southwest region of
TSB at high bilirubin levels, it was expedient to find a
Nigeria where their mothers consume diet rich in carote-
cut off level of TcB beyond which its accuracy or reli-
noids similar to those studied by Adelekan et al which
ability was reduced and the assessment of severity of
can be transferred to them through breastmilk. However
hyperbilirubinaemia by another method may be neces-
this has not been corroborated.
sary. This was done by generating ROC curves. A TcB
Mean TcB readings obtained by the Bilichek device®
level of 11.7 mg/dL (200 μ mol/L) was obtained with an
were found to overestimate mean TSB values, with a
area under the curve (AOC) of 0.73. The TcB cut-off
statistically significant difference. This finding was con-
levels obtained by other studies are 14 mg/dL (239
sistent with other studies done in Nigeria by Slusher et
μ mol/L) with AOC of 0.98 by Leite et al; 15.2 mg/dL
and Olusanya et al;
in Europe by Ahmed et al
(260 μ mol/L) by Jangaard et al;
bilirubin index of 20
and De Luca et al;
and by Karon and colleagues in the
(TSB level of 9.9 mg/dL) by Owa et al;
10.3 mg/dL
with AOC of 0.706 by Olusanya et al; and 14.6 mg/dL
fect of melanin on the accuracy of TcB measurements.
(250 μ mol/L) by Boo and Ishak. The differences in cut
This would help in the development of transcutaneous
-off levels are likely due to population differences as
bilirubinometers with less disparity of results compared
well as the different methods of obtaining them.
with laboratory methods in neonates of African descent.
Thus, the Bilichek® Transcutaneous Bilirubinometer
The present study has demonstrated that transcutaneous
can become an indispensable tool in the management of
bilirubin measurements with the Bilichek device corre-
neonatal jaundice, aiding in early determination of treat-
late with total serum bilirubin levels in neonates of Afri-
ment and reduction of blood sampling by health person-
can descent. It has proven to be a reliable screening
nel, to achieve Nigeria’s goal of reducing the great mor-
method to determine the severity of hyperbilirubinaemia
bidity and mortality from this easily treatable condition.
in clinically jaundiced babies. However, the finding
from this study, of the possibility of wide disparities
between TcB and TSB, as well as lower sensitivity and
specificity especially at bilirubin levels >11.7 mg/dL,
precludes the use of the Bilichek device as a substitute
for laboratory measurements. Confirmatory serum
Transcutaneous bilirubinometry is a simple, fast and
bilirubin measurements are recommended at these lev-
reliable screening method for assessing severity of hy-
els, as well as for any neonate for which the TcB reading
perbilirubinaemia in black term and preterm neonates
suggests need for treatment such as preterm neonates,
which can reduce the need for blood sampling. However
who may require treatment at bilirubin levels below
due to the occurrence of wide discrepancies, it is recom-
mended that confirmatory serum bilirubin measurements
are done for neonates with high TcB levels of
Due to the ease of use, portability and lack of depend-
11.7mg/dL or any TcB level suggesting need for treat-
ence on electricity, its use transcends the hospital setting
and can be used even in primary health care centers in
rural communities and homes, for bilirubin monitoring,
referral and follow up of patients. Transcutaneous
bilirubinometry has been found to be a more accurate
screening method for determining severity of hyper-
We would like to acknowledge the following individuals
bilirubinaemia and need for blood sampling compared to
who contributed to the success of this work. The Resi-
visual assessment
which is the current method used
dents and the Laboratory scientists in the Department of
in most centers in Nigeria. It is currently being used in
Paediatrics of the Lagos University Teaching Hospital
developed countries like the United Kingdom and
for their assistance with blood sample collection and
United States of America, where it has helped to reduce
Dr Remi Ogundimu for help in procurement
the number of readmissions for severe NNJ
and save
of the Bilichek® device and Mr Samuel Bodunrin for
costs, as unnecessary blood sampling and laboratory
statistical analysis of data.
measurements are avoided.
However its utility in
predominantly black neonates as a sole means of
bilirubin measurement is somewhat limited, due to the
Authors’ contributions
overestimation (with some wide differences) obtained
Akinbolagbe YO: concept and design; data acquisition;
between the instrument and laboratory methods.
analysis and interpretation of data; manuscript prepara-
Another major drawback of the device as compared to
tion, editing and review.
other transcutaneous bilirubinometers such as the JM
Ezeaka VC: study design; analysis and interpretation of
103® is the added cost of the disposable calibration
data; manuscript preparation, editing and review.
pads. This can be circumvented by subsidy of the cost
Akinsulie AO: study design; analysis and interpretation
by the manufacturers for low income countries such as
of data; manuscript preparation, editing and review.
ours, or refinement of the technology to make them re-
Conflict of Interest: None
usable. More studies should be done to evaluate the ef-
Funding: None
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