Nigerian J Paediatrics 2018 vol 45 issue 3

Nigerian J Paediatrics 2018 vol 45 issue 3

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A survey of paediatricians on evidence-based medical practice in Nigeria
Niger J Paediatr 2018; 45 (3): 163 – 170
Ogunlesi TA
CC – BY A survey of Paediatricians on
evidence-based medical practice in
Accepted: 17th September 2018
Abstract : Background: The in-
clinical practice while 53.9% be-
creasing need for a uniform stan-
lieved that EBM is more suitable
Ogunlesi TA (
dard of medical practice necessi-
for the developed world. The over-
Department of Paediatrics,
tates an examination of the im-
all mean knowledge score was
Olabisi Onabanjo University
pediments to the use of evidence-
77.6%. Knowledge about EBM
Teaching Hospital,
based medicine.
was rated high among 80% of the
P. O. Box 652, Sagamu-121001NG,
Objective: To examine the knowl-
participants and the proportion
Ogun State, Nigeria
edge, perceived barriers to the use
with high knowledge was not sig-
of evidence-based medicine and
nificantly associated with EBM
the associated profession-related
use in routine practice or prior
factors among paediatricians in
EBM training. Some of the per-
ceived barriers to EBM use in-
Methods: A cross-sectional sur-
cluded lack of skills for under-
vey of paediatricians in Nigeria
standing statistics (81.6%), lack of
was conducted between March
incentives for the use of EBM
and April 2013 by Email. The
(64.7%), lack of time (44.6%) and
knowledge about evidence-based
lack of conclusive evidences
medicine and systematic reviews
was tested using a structured
Conclusion: The knowledge of
questionnaire and the responses
EBM among Nigerian paediatri-
were provided on three-item
cians was good but a high propor-
Likert scale.
tion regarded lack of skills to per-
Results: The response rate in the
form statistical analysis required
survey was 56.5% (65/115). Al-
for EBM as a major barrier to the
most 37% of the participants had
practice of EBM.
postgraduate qualification in or
before year 1999 (Group I). Ma-
Key words: Evidence-based medi-
jority (93.8%) of the respondents
cine, Systematic review, Research,
believed that EBM should form
the basis for decision making in
access to a large volume of pockets of research outputs
from various parts of the world, some with conflicting
The prime role of research in driving clinical practice
reports and some with inadequate information to guide
has not changed over the years but the application of
Therefore, evidence-based medicine appears
research in guiding clinical practice is globally getting
to be the most efficient way of delivering clinical care in
focused on the critical need for evidences guiding every
the context of rapidly changing trends in medical prac-
aspect of decision taking in medical practice. The con-
tents of textbooks, clinical observations and opinions
passed down from senior colleagues have hitherto,
At the tertiary level of care, the tripod of clinical duties
formed the bedrock of guidance for making clinical de-
includes service, teaching and research. A previous
study conducted among medical specialists in Nigeria
cisions. With the increasing use of evidence-based
medicine, clinical decisions are gradually shifting to-
showed that research function was ranked third by
wards the provisions of management protocols and treat-
64.7% of the participants in that study, behind service
ment guidelines rather than textbook recommendations
and training. A similar study revealed that the spectrum
and opinions formed in the course of training and prac-
of research tilted more towards low-budget cross-
tice. In brief, evidence-based medicine strictly entails
sectional surveys and retrospective studies due to the
adherence to the current best practices for the utmost
challenges of lack of funds, work overload, time con-
straints and insufficient infrastructural supports. In the
benefit of the patient. This is necessitated by the need
for a more guided approach rather than the haphazard
same study, 37.5% of specialists had never been in-
volved in clinical trials. Incidentally, randomized clini-
resulting in 115 rather than the targeted 104. The se-
cal trials, which represent the peak of clinical evidence
lected 115 paediatricians were enrolled into survey and
through the benefits of elimination of bias, form the core
were contacted via email. The email contained a state-
of evidence-based medicine.
ment of introduction of the study as well as the request
Evidence-based medicine entails the identification of an
for consent. The email message specified that response
intervention or relationship of interest, gathering rele-
to the survey meant consent for enrolment into the study
vant high-quality randomized controlled trials and con-
and anyone not willing to participate in the study was
ducting statistical analysis, using meta-analysis, to as-
allowed to disregard the request. The data collection was
carried out between 3 March and 5 April 2013.
sess the quality of evidence in support of specific out-
come variables of interest.
This is the basis of the use
The research tool was a self-designed close ended ques-
of various treatment guidelines and management proto-
tionnaire with three sections using information gathered
cols for clinical decision in various parts of the devel-
from the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of
Interventions as a template in most cases.
oped world. Commonly accessed resources for evidence
The first
-based medicine include the Cochrane Library and the
section obtained data on professional parameters such as
World Health Organisation Reproductive Health Li-
the year of postgraduate qualification, location of prac-
brary. These are the commonly used databases which
tice in terms of geopolitical zone, sector of practice
provide information on virtually all aspects of medicine.
(public or private), setting of practice (academic or non-
Of utmost relevance to the practice of paediatrics are the
academic), current use of EBM in clinical practice and
Neonatal and the Infectious Diseases Review Groups
history of previous formal training in EBM. The second
which presently contains hundreds of systematic re-
section tested the knowledge of participants about EBM
using general statements covering a wide scope of the
principles and tenets of EBM as well as test of under-
With the drive to develop treatment protocols for com-
standing and ability to teach specific statistical items.
mon paediatric disorders in Nigeria, it is essential to
The third section assessed the participants’ attitude to
examine the acceptability and understanding of the con-
perceived barriers to the use of EBM in clinical practice.
cept of evidence-based medicine among paediatricians.
Some of the statements were framed in the positive con-
Therefore, the objective of this study was to examine the
text and others were framed in the negative context and
knowledge, perceived barriers to the use of evidence-
the responses were obtained using a three-item Likert
based medicine and the associated profession-related
Scale – Agreed, Undecided and Disagreed. The re-
factors among paediatricians in Nigeria.
sponses to each statement were uniformly assessed with-
out weighting; they were scored 3, 2 and 1 depending on
the context of positivity or negativity; the option of
“agreed” for a negatively -framed statement earned a
Materials and Methods
score of “1” just as a response of “disagreed” for a nega-
tively- framed statement earned a score of “3” and vice
This was a cross-sectional questionnaire-based survey of
versa . For each participant, the total score was con-
paediatricians who practiced in Nigeria. The study was
verted to percentage based on the number of statements
carried out electronically using email-distribution of
responded to. Knowledge scores of 75% and above were
questionnaire to paediatricians on a mailing list. The
classified as “high” while scores less than 75% were
research was conducted in agreement with the Helsinki
classified as “low” scores. The mean percentage knowl-
Declaration for Human subjects research. The inclusion
edge score was determined for each group of partici-
criteria included Postgraduate Fellowship in Paediatrics
obtained from either the West African College of Physi-
cians or the National Postgraduate Medical College of
Data management
Nigeria and employment as a Consultant Paediatrician
within Nigeria. The study was carried out between
Only completed questionnaires returned by email were
March and April 2013.
pooled for analysis using a spreadsheet created with the
Microsoft Excel software. Descriptive and inferential
The minimum sample size was determined using the
statistics were conducted using the SPSS version 20.0
formula; n = (z ×p×q)/d where z = 1.96, p = 0.05
software. Hypotheses were tested using the Chi Square
(proportion of respondents in a similar study who used
test with either Yate’s correction or the Fisher’s Exact
EBM to take clinical decisions ), q = 0.95 and d = 0.05.
test as necessary, for proportions of categorical variables
The calculated minimum sample size was 72 but addi-
and the Student’s t -test for the means (±Standard devia-
tional 50% (36) was added to increase the strength of the
tions) of continuous variables. Professional characteris-
study. Therefore, the final sample size was 104.
tics of the respondents (year of postgraduate qualifica-
Out of the 426 names on the mailing list of paediatri-
tion, sector of practice, setting of practice, use of EBM
cians, 78 duplicated names, names with incomplete data
in clinical practice and training in EBM) were related to
(such as place of practice and year of postgraduate quali-
the knowledge score as well as the perceived barriers to
fication) and names of deceased paediatricians were
EBM. P values less than 0.05 were accepted as statisti-
removed, leaving 348 names. Thereafter, the 348 names
cal significance.
were arranged alphabetically and systematic random
sampling was done using a sampling interval of three
world (53.9%).
General description of the respondents
Table 1: Knowledge and attitude of respondents to EBM
Sixty-five out of the 115 participants returned com-
Suggestions about EBM
pletely filled questionnaire giving a response rate of
56.5%. The 65 paediatricians were distributed across the
Current research findings
0 (0.0)
0 (0.0)
geo-political zones of the country as follows: 24
are useful in the day-to-day
management of my patients
(36.9%) from the south-west, 16 (24.6%) from the south
Adoption of evidence-based
4 (6.2)
-east, 10 (15.5%) from the south-south, 6 (9.2%) each
practice places too many
from the north-west and north-central and 3 (4.6%) from
demands on my workload
the north-east.
EBM is patient centered
4 (6.2)
5 (7.7)
EBM is of limited value in
3 (4.6)
4 (6.2)
The distribution of the respondents according to the year
paediatric practice
of post-graduate qualification was as follows: 4 (6.1%),
Literature and research
3 (4.6)
0 (0.0)
20 (30.8%), 30 (46.2%) and 11 (16.9%) for 1980-1989,
findings are useful in paedi-
atric practice
1990-1999, 2000-2009 and >2010 respectively. They
I need to increase the use of
15 (23.1)
0 (0.0)
were re-grouped into two as 1980-1999 (Group I) and
evidence in my daily prac-
2000 and above (Group II) translating to 24 (36.9%) in
Group I and 41 (63.1%) in Group II. The major sub-
I am interested in learning
5 (7.7)
0 (0.0)
skills to incorporate EBM in
specialties included neonatology (17; 26.2%), cardiol-
my practice
ogy (9,13.9%), haematology and nephrology (7; 10.8%
EBM improves the quality
6 (9.2)
1 (1.5)
each), endocrinology, infectious diseases and ambula-
of patient care
tory paediatrics (6; 9.2% each). The remaining 7
EBM does not take into
7 (10.8)
consideration the limitations
(10.7%) included neurodevelopmental paediatrics, gas-
in clinical practice
troenterology and nutrition and respiratology.
Reimbursement rate will
40 (61.4)
increase with incorporation
Most of the respondents (53; 81.5%) practiced in the
of EBM into paediatric
public sector; 33 (50.8%) and 29 (44.6%) practiced in
Strong evidence is lacking
15 (23.0)
Teaching Hospital and specialist hospitals (including
in most interventions used
Federal Medical Centres) respectively. The settings of
EBM should form the basis
2 (3.1)
2 (3.1)
practice were sub-classified into two: academic (33;
of decision-making in clini-
cal practice
50.8%) and non-academic (32; 49.2%). Fifty-two
EBM does not take into
7 (10.8)
(80.0%) were involved in undergraduate training while
consideration, patients’
all the respondents had experience with postgraduate
training. Fifty-nine (90.8%) respondents used evidence-
EBM is useful in designing
11 (16.9)
0 (0.0)
the medical curriculum
based medicine in their routine clinical practice but only
EBM is most useful for
11 (16.9)
24 (36.9%) actually had training in evidence-based
paediatric practice in the
medicine. While all the respondents in Group I (n = 24)
developed world
used EBM in clinical practice, 35 (85.4%) of Group II
used EBM in clinical practice (Fisher’s Exact Test =
EBM – Evidence-based Medicine
5.872; p =0.07). A significantly larger proportion of
respondents in Group I (17; 70.8%) received training on
In the assessment of the skills required to use EBM,
EBM compared to respondents sin Group II (7; 17.1%)
Table 2 shows that some of the respondents did not un-
( χ = 18.786; p < 0.001).
derstand but will like to learn heterogeneity (44.6%)
while 46.1%, 52.3%, 50.8%, 46.1%, 50.8% and 64.6%
General knowledge and attitude of respondents about
understood meta-analysis, systematic review, assess-
ment of publication bias, literature search strategies,
study designs and clinical significance of study findings
As shown in Table 1, all the respondents agreed that
respectively. The highest proportion of the respondents
current research findings are useful in routine care of
demonstrated the willingness to teach literature search
patients, 76.9% craved for further use of EBM in their
strategies (41.5%) while only 13.8% understood and
daily practices while 92.3% were willing to learn the
could teach the use of Cochrane Library Database.
skills required to incorporate EBM into their routine
practices. However, 86.1% believed EBM is patient-
In Table 3 lack of the skills for understanding statistics
centred, improves the quality of care available to pa-
and lack of skills for locating best research evidence
tients (89.3%), should form the basis of decision making
were the leading perceived barriers to the use of EBM as
in clinical practice (93.8%) and should improve the de-
identified by 81.6% and 73.8% respectively of the re-
sign of medical curriculum (83.1%). On the other hand,
spondents. The fear of medicolegal tussle arising from
the respondents identified drawbacks such as EBM not
the use of EBM was identified by only 27.7% as a bar-
taking into consideration the limitations in clinical prac-
rier to the use of EBM. The proportions of respondents
tice (55.4%) and EBM being more suitable for practice
who agreed or disagreed with lack of time and lack of
in the developed world compared to the developing
conclusive evidence as barriers to the use of EBM were
almost comparable (44.6%). All the respondents agreed
that EBM should be incorporated into Continuing Medi-
Table 4: Comparison of mean knowledge scores among com-
cal Education activities and into postgraduate medical
parison groups
curriculum while only 56 (86.2%) agreed that EBM
should be incorporated into medical undergraduate train-
scores (%)
ing curriculum whereas 9 (13.8%) were neutral.
Duration of
Group I
79.0 ± 4.5
Table 2: Assessment of the skills required for the use of EBM
Group II
76.7 ± 6.1
among the respondents
Sector of prac-
78.1 ± 5.4
It is not
I do not
I have
I under-
stand and
75.6 ± 0.4
I under-
stand but
will like
Setting of prac-
76.5 ± 4.5
Relative Risk
0 (0.0)
23 (35.4)
23 (35.4)
19 (29.3)
76.0 ± 1.4
0 (0.0)
21 (32.3)
30 (46.1)
14 (21.5)
Systematic Re-
0 (0.0)
15 (23.1)
34 (52.3)
16 (24.6)
EBM Use in
77.8 ± 5.8
0 (0.0)
29 (44.6)
20 (30.8)
16 (24.6)
clinical practice
Publication bias
0 (0.0)
20 (30.8)
33 (50.8)
12 (18.5)
76.0 ± 1.4
Literature Search
0 (0.0)
8 (2.3)
30 (46.1)
27 (41.5)
EBM Training
78.6 ± 4.4
Study designs
0 (0.0)
10 (15.4)
33 (50.8)
22 (33.8)
77.0 ± 6.2
Evaluating the
0 (0.0)
21 (32.3)
26 (40.0)
18 (27.7)
validity of a study
The clinical sig-
0 (0.0)
7 (10.8)
42 (64.6)
16 (24.6)
Table 5: Relationship between the professional characteristics
nificance of study
of the respondents and their knowledge of EBM
High Score
Using the Coch-
0 (0.0)
25 (38.5)
31 (47.7)
9 (13.8)
rane Library Data-
Group I
22 (91.7)
2 (8.3)
χ2 = 2.184;
of practice
(n = 24)
p = 0.139*
EBM – Evidence-based Medicine
Group II
30 (73.2)
11 (26.8)
(n = 41)
Table 3: Perceived barriers to the use of EBM
Sector of
9 (75.0)
3 (25.0)
χ2= 0.006; p
(n = 12)
= 0.936*
43 (81.1)
10 (18.9)
(n = 53)
Lack of time
29 (44.6)
6 (9.2)
30 (46.2)
Setting of
27 (81.8)
6 (18.2)
χ2 = 0.138;
Lack of conclusive evidence
29 (44.6)
8 (12.3)
28 (43.1)
(n = 33)
p = 0.710
Lack of computing resources
37 (56.9)
5 (7.7)
23 (35.4)
25 (78.1)
7 (21.9)
Lack of access to electronic
37 (57.0)
8 (12.2)
20 (30.8)
(n = 32)
No (n = 6)
6 (100.0)
0 (0.0)
FE = 1.562;
Lack of skills for locating
48 (73.8)
5 (7.7)
12 (18.5)
in practice
p = 0.335
best research evidence
Yes (n =
46 (78.0)
13 (22.0)
Lack of skills for under-
53 (81.6)
0 (0.0)
12 (18.4)
standing statistics
No (n = 41)
32 (78.0)
9 (22.0)
χ2 = 0.037;
Lack of incentive for using
22 (64.7)
8 (12.3)
15 (23.0)
p = 0.847*
20 (83.3)
4 (16.7)
Fear of medico-legal tussles
18 (27.7)
36 (55.4)
(n = 24)
arising from practice
*Yate’s Correction applied; FE =Fisher’s Exact Test
EBM – Evidence-based Medicine
EBM – Evidence-based Medicine
Assessment of knowledge of the respondents
Relationship between perceived barriers to EBM and
professional characteristics of the respondents
The knowledge scores for the entire study population
ranged between 64.0% and 88.0% with overall mean
In Table 6a, the proportions of respondents who agreed
score of 77.6% ± 5.6%. The mean scores for the various
that lack of time was a barrier to EBM were comparable
groups of participants were comparable as shown in
across groups. Significantly higher proportions of Group
Table 4. The assessment of knowledge showed that 52
I respondents and respondents who were trained in EBM
(80.0%) and 13 (20.0%) participants had high and low
disagreed that lack of conclusive evidence was a barrier
knowledge scores respectively. Table 5 shows that the
to EBM (p = 0.025 and p = 0.004 respectively). Higher
proportions of respondents with high knowledge score
proportions of respondents who worked in non-
were comparable across groups: duration of practice (p
academic settings and those who were trained in EBM
= 0.139), sector of practice (p = 0.936) and setting of
disagreed about lack of computing resources being a
practice (p = 0.710). In addition, EBM use in practice
barrier to EBM (p = 0.045 and p = 0.023 respectively).
and prior EBM training were also not significantly asso-
Higher proportions of respondents in Group I, those in
ciated with high knowledge scores (p = 0.335 and p =
non-academic settings and those who were trained on
0.947 respectively).
EBM also disagreed that lack of access to electronic
database was a barrier to EBM use (p = 0.007, p = 0.002
and p < 0.001 respectively).
Table 6a: Relationship between professional characteristics of the respondents and the perceived barriers to the use of EBM in
Paediatric Practice
Lack of time
Group I(n = 24
12 (50.0)
0 (0.0)
12 (50.0)
FE = 3.819;
Group II (n = 41)
17 (41.5)
6 (14.6)
18 (43.9)
P = 0.155
Academic (n= 33)
15 (45.5)
2 (6.0)
16 (48.5)
χ2 = 0.664;
Non-Academic (n = 32)
14 (43.8)
4 (12.5)
14 (43.8)
P = 0.766
EBM Trained
No (n = 41)
19 (46.3)
3 (7.4)
19 (46.3)
χ2 = 0.561;
Yes (n = 24)
10 (41.7)
3 (12.5)
11 (45.8)
P = 0.804
Lack of conclusive evidence
Group I(n = 24
10 (41.7)
0 (0.0)
14 (58.3)
FE = 7.041;
Group II (n = 41)
19 (46.3)
8 (19.6)
14 (34.1)
P = 0.025
Academic (n= 33)
14 (42.4)
6 (18.2)
13 (39.4)
χ2 = 2.162;
Non-Academic (n = 32)
15 (46.9)
2 (6.2)
15 (46.9)
P = 0.376
EBM Trained
No (n = 41)
21 (51.2)
8 (0.0)
12 (29.3)
FE = 10.675;
Yes (n = 24)
8 (33.3)
0 (0.0)
16 (66.7)
P = 0.004
Lack of computing resources
Group I (n = 24
12 (50.0)
0 (0.0)
12 (50.0)
FE = 5.190;
Group II (n = 41)
25 (61.0)
5 (1.2)
11 (26.8)
P = 0.06
Academic (n= 33)
19 (57.6)
5 (15.2)
9 (27.2)
FE = 5.958;
Non-Academic (n = 32)
18 (56.2)
0 (0.0)
14 (43.8)
P = 0.045
EBM Trained
No (n = 41)
26 (63.4)
5 (12.2)
10 (24.4)
FE = 7.071;
Yes (n = 24)
11 (45.8)
0 (0.0)
13 (54.2)
P = 0.023
Lack of access to electronic database
Group I(n = 24
12 (50.0)
0 (0.0)
12 (50.0)
FE = 9.612;
Group II (n = 41)
25 (61.0)
8 (19.5)
8 (19.5)
P = 0.007
Academic (n= 33)
19 (57.6)
8 (24.2)
6 (18.2)
FE = 11.725;
Non-Academic (n = 32)
18 (56.3)
0 (0.0)
14 (43.7)
P = 0.002
EBM Trained
No (n = 41)
28 (68.3)
8 (19.5)
5 (12.2)
FE = 19.198;
Yes (n = 24)
9 (37.5)
0 (0.0)
15 (62.5)
P < 0.001
*FE = Fisher’s Exact Test; EBM – Evidence-based Medicine
Table 6b: Relationship between professional characteristics of the respondents and the perceived barriers to the use of EBM in
Paediatric Practice
Lack of skill to locate best research
Group I(n = 24
14 (58.3)
0 (0.0)
10 (41.7)
FE = 14.312;
Group II (n = 41)
34 (82.9)
5 (12.2)
2 (4.9)
P < 0.001
Academic (n= 33)
28 (84.8)
3 (9.1)
2 (6.1)
χ2 = 6.853;
Non-Academic (n = 32)
20 (62.5)
2 (6.3)
10 (31.2)
P = 0.033
EBM Trained
No (n = 41)
34 (82.9)
5 (12.2)
2 (4.9)
FE = 14.312;
Yes (n = 24)
14 (58.3)
0 (0.0)
10 (41.7)
P < 0.001
Lack of skills for understanding statistics
Group I(n = 24
16 (66.7)
0 (0.0)
8 (43.3)
χ2 = 4.134*;
Group II (n = 41)
37 (90.2)
0 (0.0)
4 (9.8)
P = 0.042
Academic (n= 33)
21 (63.6)
2 (6.1)
10 (30.3)
χ2 = 5.277*;
Non-Academic (n = 32)
22 (68.7)
8 (25.0)
2 (6.3)
P = 0.022
EBM Trained
No (n = 41)
37 (90.2)
0 (0.0)
4 (9.8)
χ2 = 4.134*;
Yes (n = 24)
16 (66.7)
0 (0.0)
8 (33.3)
P = 0.042
Lack of incentives for using EBM in practice
Group I(n = 24
20 (83.3)
0 (0.0)
4 (16.7)
FE = 7.567;
Group II (n = 41)
22 (53.7)
8 (19.5()
11 (26.8)
P = 0.02
Academic (n= 33)
22 (66.7)
4 (12.1)
7 (21.2)
χ2 = 0.147;
Non-Academic (n = 32)
20 (62.5)
4 (12.5)
8 (25.0)
P = 0.929
EBM Trained
No (n = 41)
24 (58.5)
8 (19.5)
9 (22.0)
FE = 5.715;
Yes (n = 24)
18 (75.0)
0 (0.0)
6 (25.0)
P = 0.06
Fear of medicolegal tussles following EBM use
Group I(n = 24
8 (33.3)
0 (0.0)
16 (66.7)
FE = 8.791;
Group II (n = 41)
10 (24.4)
11 (26.8)
20 (48.8)
P = 0.013
Academic (n= 33)
10 (30.3)
8 (24.2)
15 (45.5)
χ2 = 3.395;
Non-Academic (n = 32)
8 (25.0)
3 (9.3)
21 (65.7)
P = 0.167
EBM Trained
No (n = 41)
13 (31.7)
11 (26.8)
17 (41.5)
FE = 11.727;
Yes (n = 24)
5 (20.8)
0 (0.0)
19 (79.2)
P = 0.003
*Chi- Square with Yate’s Correction; FE = Fisher’s Exact Test; EBM – Evidence-based Medicine
Table 6b shows that higher proportions of Group I
in a population of Iranian doctors. Although the rela-
respondents, respondents in non-academic settings and
tively high knowledge score observed in the present
respondents trained in EBM disagreed that lack of skills
study is reassuring, it may not be a perfect proof of deep
required to locate best research evidence is a barrier to
knowledge of EBM, given the low rate of training re-
EBM use (p< 0.001, p = 0.033 and p < 0.001 respec-
ported in the same population. Almost all the partici-
tively). Lack of skills for understanding statistics was
pants (92.3%) were willing to learn the skills required to
not perceived as a barrier to EBM by significantly
incorporate EBM into their routine clinical practice and
higher proportions of Group I respondents, respondents
this may be a reflection of the acceptability of EBM in
in the academic setting and respondents who were
clinical practice.
trained on EBM (p = 0.042, p = 0.022 and p = 0.042
respectively). In addition, a significantly higher propor-
The major perceived barriers to the use of EBM in the
tion of Group I respondents agreed that lack of incen-
present study included the lack of skills for understand-
tives for using EBM in practice was a barrier to the use
ing statistics, lack of skills for locating best research
of EBM (p = 0.02). Significantly higher proportions of
evidence and lack of incentives for using EBM. Interest-
respondents in Group I and those who were trained in
ingly, the fear of medicolegal tussles arising from the
EBM disagreed that there may be medicolegal tussles
practice of EBM was the least identified barrier. The
following EBM use (p = 0.013 and p = 0.003 respec-
lack of time was not perceived a leading barrier in the
present study unlike other previous studies in Jordan,
Saudi Arabia,
and Sri Lanka.
This may reflect the heterogeneous nature of the partici-
pants in the various cited studies. Lower cadre doctors
are likely to be busier in terms of clinical duties than the
higher cadre doctors, who are mostly involved in admin-
The present study revealed that almost all the respon-
istrative duties alongside academics with some involve-
dents (90.8%) used EBM in their clinical practices sug-
ment in clinical duties. Therefore, studies focused on
gesting a high level of acceptability of EBM in the
higher cadre doctors, like the present study, are not
population. This contrasts with 40% EBM use rate re-
likely to report lack of time or overwhelming workload
ported among doctors in Jordan and 5% each reported
as perceived barriers to the practice of EBM. However,
in Sudan and Jordan.
The observed difference may be
the challenge of lack of time, though coming a distant
explained in terms of differences in the degree of expo-
sixth position on a list of eight in the present study, may
sure to EBM during professional workshops and confer-
be addressed by incorporating research day-off on a
ences over time. However, the high use rate of EBM in
weekly or bi-weekly basis into the duty schedule for
the present study contrasted sharply with the low pro-
doctors at all levels.
portion of participants (36.9%) who had received train-
ing on EBM. This pattern was similar to the findings
Lack of understanding of statistics and lack of skills for
among a cohort of Nigerian specialist trainees, where
searching and locating best research evidence are train-
96.6% were familiar with EBM but only 38.8% had
ing issues which frequent Continuing Medical Pro-
been formally trained on EBM. This low rate of train-
grammes can address to a large extent. Access to inter-
ing was similar to 15% and 24% previously reported in
net EBM databases such as the Cochrane Library and
Sudan and Sri Lanka respectively.
This observation
the World Health Organisation Reproductive Health
may be related to the poor awareness of training oppor-
Library, may need to be improved, just as an earlier
study in Bosnia Herzegovina
tunities as currently provided by organisations such as
reported that 34.6% of
the various national and regional Cochrane Centres. It is
doctors did not know how to use the Cochrane database
plausible that paucity of funds and logistic supports may
similar to 38.5% observed in the present study. Institu-
actually limit the number of people that such orgnisa-
tions should be encouraged to subscribe to these data-
tions could admit for training at a time. Interestingly, the
bases and facilitate easy and hitch-free access and use by
higher cadre participants in the present study were four
doctors, particularly when they are not kept busy with
times more likely to have received training on EBM
clinical duties. Lack of evidence as a perceived barrier
compared to the junior cadre participants. The reason for
to the use of EBM had been reported by Al-Almaie in
Saudi Arabia. That may be related to the fact that the
this observation is obscure but it is plausible that the
senior participants had better access to training opportu-
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews display many
nities by virtue of hierarchy in the profession. The uni-
systemic reviews with inconclusive findings arising
versal recommendation of the participants in the present
from either small number of study participants or poor
study that training on EBM should be incorporated into
design of the primary randomized controlled trials.
postgraduate training curricula may provide a solution to
Therefore, this dearth of studies with conclusive find-
the lopsidedness in the pattern of EBM training in rela-
ings should not deter doctors from the use of the avail-
tion to the duration of practice.
able facts. In addition, this should also stimulate more
research in the form of well-designed, high quality ran-
Fourth-fifth of the participants in the present study had
domized controlled trials to answer some of the yet un-
high knowledge of what EBM entails and what purpose
answered research questions.
it serves. This is not surprising as the overall mean
knowledge score was 77.6% compared to 24% recorded
Al-Omari reported threat to clinical freedom as a per-
usually routinely addressed during EBM training and
ceived barrier to the use of EBM among doctors in Jor-
with practice, every researcher learns that the perceived
dan but that fear of medicolegal tussle surrounding the
barriers can be adequately overcome.
use of EBM did not appear strong in the present study.
This difference may be related to the relative rate of
medical litigations in each environment. Where treat-
ment protocols have been drawn for routine clinical
practice from the best quality evidences available, it
becomes difficult to defend any other clinical decision
In conclusion, the knowledge of this population of Nige-
aside the recommendations of the treatment protocol and
rian paediatricians about EBM was good but most of the
that may predispose to litigations. In Nigeria, the proc-
participants crave better understanding of the statistical
ess of generating treatment protocols for paediatric prac-
aspects of systematic reviews and EBM. The partici-
tice are still on-going, hence there is no pressure for
pants also recommended the inclusion of EBM training
mandatory adherence to specific practices yet. There-
in both the undergraduate and postgraduate medical cur-
fore, medicolegal issues may not yet be perceived as a
ricula as well as in Continuing Medical Education pro-
threat to the use of EBM.
grammes. With adequate training, the perceived barriers
to use of EBM will be addressed and appropriate solu-
The Group I participants (relatively higher in the hierar-
tions will be provided.
chy) and those who had received trainings on EBM were
The electronic method of gathering the responses of the
more likely to disagree with the perceptions of lack of
participants is acknowledged as a limitation to the study
computing skills, lack of access to electronic databases,
as it may explain the low response rate.
lack of skill to locate the best research evidence, lack of
skill for understanding statistics, lack of incentives and
fear of medicolegal tussles as barriers to EBM. This
Conflict of interest: None
observation may be explained in terms of the role of
Funding: None
experience on perceptions. The perceived barriers are
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