Nigerian J Paediatrics 2017 vol 44 issue 1

Nigerian J Paediatrics 2017 vol 44 issue 1

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Holoprosencephaly sequence with a constellation of anomalies in Yenagoa a Niger Delta Region Report of two cases
Niger J Paediatr 2018; 45 (1): 19 - 24
Tunde-Oremodu II
CC – BY Holoprosencephaly sequence with
Enefia KK
Idholo U,
a constellation of anomalies in
Ofure AO
Yenagoa, a Niger Delta Region:
Kunle-Olowu OE
report of two cases
Oyedeji A
Accepted: 5th March 2018
Abstract : This report is on holo-
features suggested the diagnoses of
prosencephaly (HPE) sequence
Tunde-Oremodu II (
with other clinical and radio-
cephaly (HPE) occurs due to a
Idholo U, Ofure AO
graphic anomalies of other or-
primary defect in prechordal meso-
Department of Paediatrics,
gans. This condition which has
derm, resulting in fusion anomaly
Federal Medical Centre,
never been reported in Yenagoa,
of the forebrain with also varying
Yenagoa, Nigeria
an oil rich Niger Delta Region
degrees of midline facial develop-
was observed simultaneously in
ment anomalies. Although, HPE
two neonates within a period of
could be isolated, in certain condi-
Enefia KK
two months at different hospitals
tions, it may occur in combination
Department of Radiology,
in this area. The inhabitants who
with other anomalies of the central
include pregnant mothers with
nervous system and other organs.
Kunle-Olowu OE
their fetuses are predisposed to
The causes of HPE are generally
Oyedeji A
health challenges associated with
unknown but genetic and environ-
Department of Paediatrics,
the exposure to toxic chemicals
mental factors have been impli-
Niger Delta University Teaching
derived from environmental deg-
cated. Recognizing the prognosis
Hospital, Okolobiri, Bayelsa State
radation and pollution due to oil
in management, considerations
spillage/processing. This report is
vary from being conservative to
therefore aimed at providing a
reconstructive surgeries. The first
neonate died on the 13
description of HPE associated
day of
with varying multi-systemic con-
life, while the second neonate is
ditions in order to motivate re-
still alive on supportive manage-
searches on prevalence of con-
ment of anticonvulsants and nutri-
tional support on the 11 week of
genital anomalies and induce sup-
port in ensuring appropriate health
life at the time of writing this re-
care services. The approach to
clinical evaluation and experience
on diagnostic evidence is dis-
Key words: Congenital malforma-
cussed. The importance of karyo-
tions, Craniofacial malformations,
typing which could not be carried
Dysmorphism, Holoprosencephaly
out cannot be overlooked. How-
sequence, Niger Delta region
ever, the clinical and radiological
challenging issues associated with its management in the
Holoprosencephaly (HPE) sequence is a rare series of
The WHO estimated that neonatal deaths from congeni-
cerebral and facial structural malformations due to fail-
tal anomalies worldwide increased from 260,000 (7% of
ure in the division of the embryonic forebrain
all neonatal deaths) in 2004 to 303 000 (11.6% of all
neonatal deaths) in 2016. This may be on account of
(prosencephalon) into lateral cerebral hemispheres from
the fourth to eighth week of gestation.
improved diagnostic facilities. However, in Nigeria a
cephaly poses important health challenges because of
collaborative study using verbal/social autopsy (VASA)
the high mortality rate, chronic disability issues, psycho-
interviews reported in 2017 that out of 723 neonatal
social disruptions as well as the financial burden on the
deaths, congenital malformations were responsible for
only 0.9-1.1%. Studies emanating from Nigeria had
family and the society.
There are also reported adverse
effects of this exposure on fetal development and out-
reported varying prevalence of congenital anomalies to
comes of pregnancy from paternal and maternal associ-
be 4.15, 5.51 and 15.84 in the South East, North East
and South West regions of Nigeria respectively
ated factors.
Since Yenagoa is a city in an oil produc-
ing area, there is a need to report for the first time HPE
higher prevalence of 20.73 per 1,000 live births was
in order to encourage more researches and highlight
reported in Port Harcourt a Niger Delta/South South
region in 2017. This higher prevalence could be due to
This baby was found to be in respiratory distress with
cyanosis and hyperpyrexia (40 C). He had dysmorphic
the peculiarities of an oil producing environment. HPE
accounts for the most common malformation of the em-
features (Fig 1a) consisting of facial anomalies: flattened
bryonic forebrain.
The HPE prevalence rate reported
nasal bridge; absent nasal philtrum and nasal septum;
by Orioli and Castilla in their review of 21 epidemi-
microphalmia; micrognathia; midline cleft lip and palate
ologic studies and data obtained from the West Mid-
(keilognatopalatoskysis). His weight (2800g) was within
the 10 percentile while his length (45cm) and occipi-
lands Congenital Anomaly Register (WMCAR) was 1
to 1.7 per 10,000 of live and stillbirths.
tofrontal circumference (30cm) were less than10% per-
this increased to about 50 per10,000 in aborted em-
centile. The baby had talipes calcaneo varus deformity;
bryos. There is apparently no Nigerian National birth
chest hypertelorism, pectus carinatum and low set ears.
defects surveillance network and data on congenital
There were neurologic abnormalities which included:
anomalies with special emphasis on HPE is sparse.
hypotonia, absent primitive reflexes and recurrent sei-
However, there have been Case Reports from Port Har-
zures. The blood chemistry and complete blood count
court and Ibadan (South-south and South-west regions
results were within normal range. The chest radiography
of Nigeria respectively) describing the condition.
revealed cardiomegaly (Fig 2) while the echocardiogra-
The females to males ratio at birth is reported as 2:1 and
phy: showed mitral and tricuspid valve incompetence;
increases with worsening severity of HPE.
The cause
absent shunts (Fig 3). The transfontanelle ultrasound
of this gender disparity is said to be on account of a
scan through the coronal section and midline sagittal
greater male death.
section showed absent midline structures; poorly devel-
oped forebrain; well developed posterior fossa and thal-
There are different types of HPE consisting of alobar,
ami consistent with semilobar HPE (Fig 4). The baby
semilobar, lobar and middle inter-hemispheric variant
was managed conservatively with antibiotics, anticon-
(in order of reducing severity).
The etiologies of
vulsants, fluid, calories, electrolytes, oxygen administra-
HPE vary ranging from the unknown to multifactorial
tion and subsequent commencement of gavage feeding.
factors with MRI preferably used to confirm the diagno-
Financial support for care by parents was limited due to
sis, while Chromosomal microarray (CMA) identifies
poverty and perceived feeling of stigma, rejection and
those with genetic involvement. The treatment is sup-
shame despite the intervention of the Social Welfare
portive, and requires a multidisciplinary management
Unit whose assistance was sought. Logistic reasons pe-
depending on the degree of forebrain defect.
The mid-
culiar to the facility and financial constraints hindered
line facial anomalies are pointers to severe brain malfor-
further diagnostic tests such as karyotype and chromoso-
mations and functions with significantly reduced sur-
mal analysis. The fever persisted with subsequent devel-
vival beyond neonatal period in babies with severely
opment of apnea which continued until his death on the
13 day of life.
malformed forebrain.
We hereby report two cases of
HPE in order to highlight the health challenges in an oil
producing area and to draw attention to the financial and
socio-cultural issues associated with the management of
Fig 1a: Photograph of case 1
congenital malformations.
showing facial anomalies: flat-
tened nasal bridge; absent nasal
Case description/presentation
philtrum and nasal septum;
midline cleft lip and palate.
Case 1
A 12 hour old male neonate presented in the Tertiary
Federal Government Health facility in Yenagoa due to
cleft lip and palate, respiratory distress from birth and a
high grade fever on the 17 of February, 2017. This was
Fig 1b: Photograph of case 2
the first offspring of a 36 year old bricklayer father and a
showing cranio-facial anoma-
27 year old mother who registered late for antennal care
lies: flattened nasal bridge,
at six months of gestation at a Primary Health Care Cen-
absent nasal philtrum and nasal
tre. The drugs that the mother received were routine
septum; midline cleft lip and
antenatal drugs and over the counter medications (names
palate; chest hypertelorism
unknown). The mother’s only illness during pregnancy
was fever in the first trimester which resolved with in-
take of antimalarial (Artesunate/Lumefantrine). Native
body massage was carried out but there was neither use
of traditional medications during pregnancy nor expo-
sure to radiation. There was prolonged obstructed labor
Fig 2: Chest Xray of case 1
at 42 weeks gestation and delivery at home assisted by a
showing cardiomegaly
nurse which resulted in baby not crying at birth. A posi-
tive history of a living third degree relative with cleft lip
abnormality was obtained. There was no history of con-
Case 2
Fig 3:
Echocardiography of case 1 showing mitral and
tricuspid valve incompetence; absent shunts
A female baby was delivered by emergency caesarean
section in a private facility in Yenagoa, on account of
previous caesarean section in a diabetic mother at 37
weeks gestation. She was the second surviving child
among 3 children of a 29 years old mother and 35 years
old father. The mother registered late for antenatal care
at gestational age of 4 months, received insulin and rou-
tine antenatal drugs. She often ingested and drank the
juice of fresh bitter-leaf (vernonia). The APGAR scores
were 1 in 5 minutes; 8 in 5 minutes; 10 in 10 minutes.
There is a previous history of sibling death in the first
Fig 4: Transfontanelle ultrasound scan of case 1through cor-
week of life from macrosomia, severe birth asphyxia and
onal section and midline sagittal section showing absent mid-
birth injury. There is also a family history of profound
line structures, poorly developed forebrain, well developed
mental retardation, developmental delay and micro-
posterior fossa and thalami
cephaly in a second degree relative. There was no his-
tory of consanguinity. The baby was admitted into the
neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) of the private facil-
ity on account of respiratory distress and the multiple
congenital abnormalities.
On examination she had dysmorphic features (Fig 1b)
consisting of: cranio-facial anomalies: flattened nasal
bridge; absent nasal philtrum and nasal septum; midline
cleft lip and palate (keilognatopalatoskysis); low set ears
and orbital hypotelorism with inner canthal distance of
1.5cm (Normal of 1.6 – 2.5cm).
She weighed 3800g
Fig 5: Cranial CT scan of case 2 showing absent midline struc-
(>90% centile); length 45cm (10 centile). There was
tures; fusion of both lateral ventricle; poorly developed occipi-
microcephaly with occipitofrontal circumference of
tal, frontal and parietal lobes.
30cm (<10% percentile) and her anterior fontanel size
was 2.75 cm (diameters of 2.5 by 3cm). She had talipes
calcaneo varus deformity and a dimple at the lumbo-
sacral region. Chest hypertelorism was present with inter
-nipple distance of 11cm (normal: 8.6 ±0.5)18.
baby had neurologic abnormalities consisting of recur-
rent seizures and the presence of only sucking and grasp
primitive reflexes. The blood chemistry was within nor-
mal range except for a low calcium result. The complete
blood count was normal. The cranial CT scan revealed
an absent midline structures; fusion of both lateral ven-
tricle; poorly developed occipital, frontal and parietal
lobes; well developed posterior fossa, normal brain
stem, fourth ventricle, cerebellum and temporal lobes.
This was consistent with semilobar HPE. (Fig 5) The
skeletal X-ray, Chest X-ray and abdominal X-ray re-
The prosencephalon, mesencephalon, and rhomben-
vealed no abnormalities. The echocardiography that was
cephalon, develop by the third embryonic week. At the
requested for was not done as the parents authorized the
fifth embryonic week of gestation, the primary brain
Doctors to stop further investigations and medications.
(prosencephalic) vesicle separate into lateral telen-
cephalic and diencephalic structures.
The management comprised of antibiotics, anticonvul-
HPE occurs as a
sants, oxygen administration, intravenous fluids contain-
result of incomplete separation of the prosencephalon,
ing calories and electrolytes then subsequent gavage
by the 18th to the 28th day of gestation thereby affecting
the forebrain and midfacial development.
feeding with infant formula. There was refusal by par-
The ab-
ents to accept responsibility for the baby and carry out
normalities of forebrain vary from the most severe alo-
their financial obligations despite intensive counseling.
bar form to the semilobar, lobar and middle interhemi-
spheric variant.
At the time of this report, the baby is 2 months old re-
Two babies with semilobar HPE have
ceiving anticonvulsants, occasional antipyretics and
been described whose mothers registered for prenatal
feeding but has been abandoned in the hospital.
care after the first trimester when the forebrain and mid-
facial development would have taken place.
The two cases reported were of different gender how-
ever, previous reports have shown gender disparity with
female preponderance in a ratio of 2:1.
The etiology
of HPE are heterogenous consisting of genetic or envi-
lies could not be identified. This is a pointer to the chal-
ronmental causes.
Some of the genetic causes that
lenges that exist in the diagnosis and management of
were considered include aneuploidy syndromes such as
congenital abnormalities which could have been miti-
Trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome) and Trisomy 18(Edward
gated with the availability of improved technological
Single-gene disorders, mutations in genes
diagnostic facilities and access to a special congenital
and structural chromosomal aberrations including Pallis-
anomaly group tailor-made health insurance policy. The
ter – Hall, Rubinstein – Taybi, Kallmann, Smith – Lemli –
diagnoses of the two cases reported were made from
Opitz, and Meckel- Gruber Syndrome have also been
cranial CT scan, transfontanelle ultrasonography and the
associated with HPE.
Genetic predisposition was iden-
clinical manifestations.
tified in both babies through the family history which
Previously, it was reported that majority of children with
revealed similar problems in their second and third de-
the severe form of HPE rarely survive beyond early
gree relatives respectively. Infants of diabetic mothers
infancy hence the treatment for this was symptomatic
and supportive.
have also been reported to have HPE in addition to other
Considering ethical issues regard-
congenital anomalies.
The large for gestational age
ing surgical beneficence, intervention when carried out
should be done at the earliest possible time. However,
infant of a diabetic mother with poor glycaemic control
who delayed assessing prenatal care suggested the het-
where the prognosis is very poor, limiting extraordinary
erogenous aetiology of HPE.
medical assistance aimed towards survival is recom-
In the milder forms, since a large number
The HPE craniofacial abnormalities consisting of mid
of the children survive past the first year; a multidisci-
facial anomalies: flattened nasal bridge; absent nasal
plinary approach to management consist of interventions
philtrum and nasal septum; midline cleft lip and palate;
by plastic surgeons, neurologists, maxillofacial surgeons
and psychologists.
and microcephaly are classical presentations. ("the face
Unfortunately, the cultural ta-
predicts the brain").
Other associated features: limb
boos associated with having a child with dysmorphic
abnormalities, chest hypertelorism, congenital heart de-
features influenced the parents to limit care and in one
fects occur in genetic conditions and in offsprings of
instance, abandon the baby in the hospital.
mothers with some medical conditions.
Medical prob-
lems that could be associated include seizures, motor
impairment, motor dysfunction, risk of poor nutrition,
gastroesophageal reflux, aspiration and constipation.
Hydrocephalus, chronic lung disease, hypothalamic dys-
function, disturbed sleep – wake cycles and temperature
Holoprosencephaly sequence is a complex spectrum of
dysregulation, as well as endocrine dysfunction are also
congenital structural anomaly of the forebrain largely
some of the associated medical challenges.
associated with characteristic mid-facial craniofacial
anomalies. Considering the heterogenous etiology and
The diagnosis of the different types of HPE can be done
challenges associated with stigmatization, it is vital that
prenatally through trans-abdominal, trans-vaginal ultra-
a diagnosis of HPE is made during the fetal life through
sonography and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
ensuring compulsory/routine antenatal congenital anom-
However a study reported the need for routine foetal
aly ultrasound scan. This will provide for a well in-
MRI in suspected cases of HPE, and reduction in reli-
formed medicolegal counseling of families, prognosti-
ance on ultrasound alone.
In neonates, radiological
cating and planning of the HPE management. This re-
diagnosis of HPE is best obtained through cranial
port has also created awareness regarding the huge fi-
However, MRI was not done for any of our
nancial burden of management of children with HPE
patients due to financial constraints. Instead financial
hence the need for subsidized services from the Govern-
support was provided for the cheaper cranial CT scan
ment and private businesses that have oil-derived wealth
and transfontanelle ultrasonography which have also
from the Niger Delta region.
been reported to assist in defining the anatomic subtype,
and identifying associated CNS anomalies. Determin-
(chromosomal microarray) are important investigations
for babies and their parents when genetic causes are
This could not be done for the patients,
These babies would have benefitted from genetic stud-
due to non-availability of such laboratory procedures in
ies, radiological and other specific investigations but
the State and financial constraints in accessing it outside
were hindered by socio-cultural drawbacks, financial
the state hence abnormal karyotypes or genomic anoma-
constraints and logistic challenges.
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