Nigerian J Paediatrics 2016 Vol 43 Issue 2

Nigerian J Paediatrics 2016 Vol 43 Issue 2

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7Congenital Ichthyosis in a Nigerian preterm neonate A case report and review of the literature
Niger J Paediatr 2016; 43 (2):99 – 101
Kuponiyi OT
Congenital Ichthyosis in a Nigerian
Ademolu AO
Ogunlesi TA
preterm neonate: A case report and
Ogunfowora OB
review of the literature
Alli-Balogun SA
Accepted: 12th January 2016
Abstract : Congenital ichthyoses
are relatively uncommon skin
resolved within fifteen days of
Kuponiyi OT
treatment, the infant thereafter
Ademolu AO, Ogunlesi TA
occurrence. The ichthyoses are
developed inguinoscrotal hernia
Ogunfowora OB, Alli-Balogun SA
Department of Paediatrics,
heterogenous disorders of kerati-
and hydrocephalus necessitating
OOUTH, Sagamu, Ogun State, Nigeria.
nisation characterised by scaling
surgical consult.
The case is
of the skin of varying severity.
reported to highlight the good
This report describes a case of
outcome of the cutaneous disorder
congenital ichthyosis in a preterm,
f o l l o w i n g
c o n s e r v a t i v e
management in a low-resource
happened to be the first case
managed at the OOUTH, Sagamu.
The infant was managed using
Collodion baby,
C o n g e n i t a l
i c h t h y o s i s ,
optimal hydration, use of topical
hydrocephalus, newborn, Sagamu
low-resource setting.
Congenital Ichthyoses are a rare heterogenous group of
Case Description
skin disorders characterized by excessive skin scaling
and dryness. They represent a disorder of keratinisation
One hour old male neonate of the Hausa tribe, was re-
or cornification arising from abnormal differentiation in
ferred from a private hospital on account of prematurity
the epidermal metabolism resulting in thick skin with
following spontaneous vertex delivery at 28 weeks + 5
poor elasticity, formation of blisters or bullae, trans-
days gestation.
epidermal loss of water and weakened physical skin
barrier to infections.
The mode of inheritance varies:
The pregnancy was registered at the referral centre.
there are autosomal recessive, autosomal dominant and
There was no significant maternal illness during
X-linked forms.
pregnancy and the mother received two doses of the anti
-tetanus vaccine. The only major illness the mother had
Most autosomal recessive cases of Congenital Ichthyo-
in pregnancy was prolonged drainage of the amniotic
ses (lamellar ichthyosis, non-bullous ichthyosiform
fluid from about 20 weeks of gestation necessitating
erythroderma) present in shiny (collodion) membranes
hospitalization for bed rest. She also bled par vaginam
which are taut and limit movements. Others present with
for three days prior to delivery. Dexamethazone was not
thick excessive skin scaling or even blisters present at
administered in pregnancy.
birth. Disfigurements are present, including but not lim-
ited to ectropion, corneal /retinal abnormalities, persis-
The baby cried immediately after birth but the birth
tently open O-shaped mouth, eclabium, small flattened
weight and APGAR scores were not stated. The father
ears and nose, fixed flexion of extremities / autoamputa-
was a 48-year old truck driver with Primary School
Leaving Certificate married to two wives. The mother
was a 27-year old Para1+0 cloth-dealer with a BSc
The rarity of the condition is attested to by the fact that
degree and the second of the two wives. The step-
there are no population studies on congenital icthyosis in
mother had three children: 10yrs (F), 7yrs (M) and 4yrs
most parts of the developing world, Nigeria inclusive.
(M). There was no indication of consanguineous
Only pockets of case reports are known in the literature
in this part of the world. This report is meant to add to
the literature on this rare condition in Nigeria, highlight
On examination, he had generalized taut, thick (leathery)
the diagnostic challenges as well as showcase the
and shiny wrinkled skin (Figure 1). He was plethoric,
(35.9 c)
relatively good outcome of the cutaneous disorder in a
dehydrated. No dysmorphism was observed. He
A course of oral quinine was commenced when fever
weighed 1kg with length and head circumference of
persisted and blood film demonstrated asexual forms of
29cm and 25cm respectively (all less than 5
falciparum .
percentile). The gestational age was 31 weeks as
distension resolved and the taut skin membrane and
estimated by the modified Ballard Score. He was
desquamation was totally replaced with normal skin on
conscious and fairly active with intact primitive reflexes.
the 15th day of life. Severe anaemia was documented on
Musculoskeletal examination revealed linear skin breaks
the 24th day of life and he was serially transfused with
over the ankle joints with mild bleeding, skin tethering
sedimented cells at the rate of 15ml/kg/session and the
over the joints and partially flexed left knee joint from
post-transfusion PCV was 48%.
skin tautness. He had a persistently open O-shaped
mouth. No erythroderma, ectropion or corneal opacities
On day 27, reducible left inguinal hernia was noticed but
were observed. The right testis was palpable in the upper
immediate surgery was deferred due to the baby’s
clinical state. Examination on the 43
part of the hemiscrotum while the left testis was not
day of life
palpable in the scrotum or inguinal region. Examination
revealed craniofacial disproportion with full anterior
of the cardiovascular, respiratory systems and the
fontanelle, visible scalp veins and head circumference of
abdomen were essentially normal.
29.5cm. Transfontanelle ultrasound scan showed com-
municating hydrocephalus with moderately dilated lat-
eral, third and fourth ventricles with thinning of cerebral
Fig 1: Preterm male neonate
mantle. The brain stem and cerebellum were normal.
with Congenital Ichthyosis
Thereafter, the baby was referred for neurosurgical in-
showing shiny wrinkled skin
tervention with the weight of 1.2kg. Surgical release of
and open mouth.
the left knee fixed flexion was not necessary as the
membrane spontaneously broke with restoration of
normal skin and mobility. The parents were counselled
on the nature of underlying skin disorder.
Diagnosis of Congenital Ichthyosis-lamellar type (in a
Congenital ichthyoses are a rare heterogenous primary
preterm, Very Low Birth Weight baby) was made. Skin
group of inherited skin disorder characterized by exces-
biopsy for histologic and genetic studies could not be
sive skin dryness and scaling. They can be classified
done as the facilities were not available. The Random
into two broad groups- syndromic and non- syndromic
Blood Glucose at presentation was 31mg/dl. It was
forms. The latter can be further classified into different
corrected with 4ml/kg 10% D/W and subsequent
types based on the clinical features, genetic analysis and
monitoring showed values within normal limits. Initial
histology findings.
laboratory screening revealed the following: PCV -
This group of skin condition has been reported in differ-
31%,WBC - 8.28 X 10 /L, Platelet - 54 × 10 /L, normal
ent parts of the world with incidence of 1/6,000 in the X
electrolytes, urea and creatinine, negative blood culture,
-Linked Ichthyosis and 1/20,000-30,000 in the other
normal G6PD status, Baby’s blood group – A Rhesus+,
inheritable non- syndromic types.
Many case reports
Mother’s blood group – O Rhesus+ and negative Direct
of the non- syndromic type have been made in Nigeria.
Coomb’s Test . Parenteral antibiotics (Cefuroxime and
This case adds to the list of this relatively
Gentamicin), IM Vitamin K, IV Aminophylline and
uncommon disorder in the country.
10% D/W infusion were instituted. He was nursed in an
incubator and kept nil per os. Prophylactic phototherapy
Although all races may be affected, this case was simi-
and generous bland Blue Seal Vaseline
application to
lar to three of the four cases reported at Enugu, southeast
the skin were also commenced.
Nigeria by Obu et al who were of the Hausa/Fulani
descent. All the three cases however had a history of
Temperature instability was documented from the first
consanguinity in contrast to this case. Orogade also
day of admission. Jaundice was first noticed at 9hrs of
reported a case of a collodion baby in Kaduna. The
life with total serum bilirubin rising to a peak of
father was Hausa/Fulani but without history of
11.1mg/dl on 5 day of life. Due to the poor clinical
consanguinity which was similar to the situation of our
condition, double volume exchange transfusion could
patient. Only about 25% of the cases of lamellar
not be done but intensive phototherapy was commenced
ichthyosis are born prematurely.
Conversely, most are
along with serial whole blood transfusion for three days
delivered at term or post – term. Similar to this case
to increase serum albumin concentration. This practice
however, one of the two cases reported by Joh-Jong et al
aimed to reduce the concentration of free bilirubin and
was born prematurely.
by extension, the risk of bilirubin encephalopathy. Anti-
biotics were changed to Ceftadizime and Metronidazole
Similar to most cases diagnosed in Nigeria, the index
on account of the poorer clinical state, particularly with
case was diagnosed using only physical characteristics
abdominal distension. Jaundice thereafter resolved and
as the facilities for genetic analysis were not
the post transfusion PCV rose to 45% (from 31%).
Prenatal diagnosis is available via fetal
usual morbidities associated with prematurity, it is
ultrasound scan for physical features, amniotic fluid
attractive to consider them as possibly linked with the
analysis for genetic mutations and hormonal assays and
ichthyosiform disorder. This observation has previously
been made by Small et al .
fetal skin biopsy. Post-natal diagnosis is also made
Therefore, it would have
through genetic mutation analysis, clinical features, his-
been helpful to have extensive genetic analysis of the
tologic findings and hormonal assays. Unfortunately,
index case in an attempt to establish any genotypic or
both arms of the dignostic possibilities could not be
phenotypic link between congenital ichthyosis and
explored in this case. Indeed, histology could not be
inguinoscrotal hernia or hydrocephalus in the child. In
done before referral due to logistic reasons. The
spite of this shortcoming, this report highlights the good
generalized collodion membrane, as is the case in 80%
outcome in lamellar congenital ichthyosis in a low-
of cases was totally shed in the index infant by the 15
resource setting.
day of life, in tandem with the cases cited by literature.
Thereafter, the skin remained normal although long
term follow up would be needed to monitor for
recurrence. This experience was not different from that
of Obu et al , Orogade and Okoro et al . Ten percent of
cases shed the collodion membrane and retain normal
This report of a case of lamellar congenital ichthyosis in
skin for life (self- healing collodion baby) while about
a preterm infant adds to the existing literature database
75% will develop lamellar ichthyosis or non- bullous
on genetic conditions and raises important diagnostic
ichthyosiform erythroderma later in life. Fifty percent
challenges. Health facilities should be better -equipped
or less of the lamellar type of ichthyosis has ectropion
to aid definitive diagnosis for better outcome and
hence it was not unusual for the index baby not to have
improvement of the quality of data.
This cutaneous disorder was managed in the index case
Conflict of interest: None
using lubrication with bland petrolatum as a universally
Funding: None
accepted mode of treatment. This hydrates and
lubricates the skin thereby enhancing desquamation and
Other aspects of care such as
hydration and use of antibiotics were essentially the
same as reported by other researchers.
Inguinoscrotal hernia and hydrocephalus found in the
Drs Adekunle R. Abdul and Peace U. Adeniyi are
index baby are not known complications associated with
appreciated for participating actively in the management
congenital ichthyoses. While they may be some of the
of the child.
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