Nigerian J Paediatrics 2016 Vol 43 Issue 2

Nigerian J Paediatrics 2016 Vol 43 Issue 2

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2Hypoglycaemia in children Review of the literature
Niger J Paediatr 2016; 43 (2):70 – 77
Elusiyan JBE
Hypoglycaemia in children:
Oyenusi EE
Review of the literature
Accepted: 16th March 2016
Abstract : Hypoglycaemia is a
nosed or undertreated hypoglycae-
common metabolic condition in
mia has been found to increase mor-
Elusiyan JBE
children. It often presents urgent
tality in children when it is present.
Department of Paediatrics and
and therapeutic challenges and it
This review sought to review the
Child Health, Obafemi Awolowo
University, Ile-Ife. Nigeria.
has been documented to affect
subject of hypoglycaemia in chil-
many childhood conditions. Its
dren and calls for testing for it in all
clinical presentation is not classi-
sick and admitted children.
Oyenusi EE
cal and requires a high index of
Department of Paediatrics,
suspicion for an early diagnosis
College of Medicine, University of
and prompt management. Undiag-
Lagos/Lagos University Teaching
Hospital, Lagos, Nigeria.
whether ‘asymptomatic’ hypoglycaemia causes neuro-
logical dysfunction and damage or not.
The term hypoglycaemia refers to blood glucose level
The plasma glucose concentration is normally main-
below normal. Most of the time low blood glucose con-
tained within a relatively normal range of 3.9 to
centration is not associated with the development of the
8.3mmol/L (70 to 150mgdl), despite wide variations in
classic clinical manifestations of hypoglycaemia. The
glucose influx and efflux such as those that follow meals
and occur during exercise . There is however general
absence of clinical symptoms does not indicate that glu-
cose concentration is normal or has not fallen below
agreement that a value of blood glucose that is less than
optimal level for maintaining brain metabolism. Hypo-
2.2mmol/L (40mgdl) represents hypoglycaemia and
most of the work on hypoglycaemia
glycaemia in the paediatric age group is a common clini-
in the literature
cal finding and is associated with a wide variety of dis-
are based on this cut-off value. Two factors which are
orders . Even in the Tropics, there is a growing aware-
frequently overlooked when interpreting the glucose
ness that hypoglycaemia can complicate many child-
concentrations are the analytic method used and whether
hood illnesses. This has necessitated several recent
whole blood or serum (plasma) was examined. When
work on the problem of Hypoglycaemia among Nigerian
whole blood is used, the value of blood sugar below
The condition often presents urgent diagnos-
2.2mmol/L represents hypoglycaemia as opposed to
tic and therapeutic challenges.
2.5mmol/L if plasma (or serum) sample is used. This is
because in individuals with a normal haematocrit, fast-
The major long-term sequelae of severe, prolonged hy-
ing whole blood glucose concentration is approximately
poglycaemia are neurologic damage resulting in mental
8 to 15% less than plasma glucose due to the fact that
retardation, transient cognitive impairment, neurological
the water content of plasma (93%) is approximately
12% higher than that of whole blood.
deficit and recurrent seizure activity. Subtle effects on
In most clini-
personality are also possible but have not been clearly
cal laboratories plasma or serum is used for most glu-
Moderate hypoglycaemia has been shown in
cose determination whereas most bedside methods for
neonates to be associated with a considerable increase in
self-monitoring of glucose use whole blood.
adverse neurodevelopmental effects.
Definition of hypoglycaemia
Hypoglycaemia is said to occur more commonly in pae-
diatric patients than in adults. There are many studies
Although there is a general agreement on the need to
maintain blood glucose concentrations above a ‘critical’
on neonatal hypoglycaemia probably engendered by the
level in young children and neonates, there is no agree-
increased vulnerability of the immature neonatal brain to
damage by hypoglycaemia.
ment among practising paediatricians and authors as to
the lowest safe concentration of blood glucose.
difficulty with the definition is understandable in view
Hypoglycaemia has also been reported in children be-
yond the neonatal period
of the lack of reliable clinical signs when the blood glu-
. It has been found to also
complicate many emergency paediatric admissions.
cose concentrations fall in newborn infants and young
children and in view of the continuing controversy over
The prevalence of hypoglycaemia in emergencies varies
from one practice to another.
the brain accounts for almost 100% of total basal glu-
In Birmingham , a rate of 6.54/100,000 visits was
cose turnover making most of the endogenous glucose
found among children seeking care at the emergency
production (EGP) in infants and young children ac-
counted for by brain metabolism , unlike in neonates
department while Solomon et al found a rate of 7.1% in
Mozambique. More recent studies done in paediatric
where EGP provides approximately one third of glucose
needs. Thus brief hypoglycaemia may cause profound
emergency admissions of some West African countries
equally documented the occurrence of hypoglycaemia.
brain dysfunction, while prolonged severe hypoglycae-
mia may eventuate in brain death. Therefore, to main-
Prevalence rates of 6.4% in Ile-Ife by Elusiyan et al
and 5.6% in Lagos by Oyenusi et al both in Nigeria and
tain normal blood glucose concentration and prevent
a rate of 13% by Ameyaw et al in Kumasi, Ghana re-
precipitous falls to levels that impair brain function,
spectively were reported. Other studies such as that done
humans have evolved an elaborate gluco-regulatory sys-
by Osier et al
reported a prevalence of 7.3% among
The prolonged interval between onset of symp-
paediatric admissions in Kenya while a prevalence rate
toms and correct diagnosis reported in most studies indi-
of 18.6% was documented by Wintergerst et al among
cates that the possibility of symptomatic spontaneous
patients admitted to a paediatric intensive care unit of a
hypoglycaemia has not received proper consideration
tertiary hospital in California, United States.
early in the course of many clinical situations. There-
fore, whenever repetitive, episodic, bizarre manifesta-
Some authors reported the prevalence of hypoglycaemia
tions occur at any time, whether after a fast, after an
in studies designed to investigate specific disease enti-
acute illness or shortly after meals, a blood glucose level
ties rather than cohorts ofchildren presenting to the
should be obtained at the time of the symptoms. Only in
emergency room or admitted into the wards with diverse
this way can the diagnosis be established and therapy
problems. For instance, Familusi and Sinnette
instituted early, thus avoiding the sequelae of prolonged
mented aprevalence rate of 13% in children presenting
with febrile convulsions at the emergency ward in
Ibadan, Nigeria. Among children with diarrhoea, the
Elucidation of the physiology of glucoregulation in gen-
prevalent rates of hypoglycaemia reported were 4.5%
eral and of glucose counter regulation in particular has
by Bennish et al and Bhattacharya et al 40%, respec-
provided major insights into the pathophysiology of
tively in Asia while in Nigeria, Ntia et al
and Ony-
hypoglycaemia in humans. Nevertheless, there are major
iriuka et al reported prevalence rates of 4% and 4.9%
gaps in our understanding of the causes, mechanisms
and management of many hypoglycaemic states. In the
fasted individual, the maintenance of a normal blood
Another clinical condition in which the prevalence of
glucose level is dependent upon (1) adequate supply of
hypoglycaemia has been widely investigated ismalaria.
endogenous gluconeogenic substrates like amino acids,
Comparable prevalence rates of hypoglycaemia between
glycerol, and lactate (2) functionally intact hepatic gly-
16-17% were documented by English et al
in Kenya,
cogenolytic and gluconeogenic enzyme systems, and (3)
Genton et al in New Guinea and Nwosu et al in La-
a normal endocrine system for integrating and modulat-
gos, Nigeria among children with severe malaria. How-
ing these two processes. The adult human being is quite
ever, Onyiriuka et al in Benin, Nigeria and White et al
capable of maintaining a normal blood glucose level
in Gambia
reported higher prevalence rates of 18.3%
even when totally deprived of calories for weeks or, in
and 32% respectively in children with severe malaria.
the case of obese subjects, for months. In contrast, the
normal child exhibits a progressive fall in blood glucose
to hypoglycaemic levels when fasted for even short peri-
ods (e.g. 24 to 48 hours).
The reasons for the differ-
Glucose plays a central role in mammalian fuel econ-
ence are not clear, but it may be that the young individ-
omy and is a source of energy derivable from glycogen,
ual, when fasting, is unable to supply sufficient glucose
fats and protein. Glucose is an immediate source of
to meet the obligatory demands of the body for glucose.
energy providing 38 moles of ATP/mole of glucose oxi-
Although most tissues have the enzyme systems re-
dized. Blood glucose level reflects a dynamic equilib-
quired to synthesize glycogen (glycogen synthase) and
rium between the glucose input from dietary sources
to hydrolyse glycogen (phosphorylase), only the liver
plus that released from the liver and kidney and the glu-
and kidneys contain glucose-6-phosphatase, the enzyme
cose uptake that occurs primarily in the brain, muscle,
necessary for the release of glucose into the circula-
tion . The liver and kidneys also contain the enzymes
adipose tissue and blood elements.
thus represents a defect in one or several of the complex
necessary for gluconeogenesis (including the critical
interactions that normally integrate glucose homeostasis
enzymes pyruvate carboxylase, phosphenol pyruvate
carboxykinase, and fructose-1,6- bisphophatase). This
during feeding and fasting.
shows the importance of these organs in glucose ho-
The maintenance of the plasma glucose concentration is
meostasis, particularly with gluconeogenesis. In dis-
critical to survival because plasma glucose is the pre-
eased states affecting these organs, hypoglycaemia will
dominant metabolic fuel utilized by the central nervous
be a major problem unless adequate intake of glucose is
system (CNS) under most conditions. The CNS can
neither synthesize glucose nor store more than a few
minutes’ supply of glucose.
Glucose metabolism by
There are multiple potential metabolic fates of glucose
It may be stored as glycogen
(deficient endogenus production), or both.
transported into cells
There are
majorly. It may undergo glycolysis to pyruvate, which in
conditions in which glucose utilization is increased
turn can be oxidized to carbon-dioxide and water via the
markedly (e.g. exercise, large tumours, infections) and
tricarboxylic acid cycle, converted to fatty acids (and
in which renal losses occur at physiological plasma glu-
cose concentration (i.e. renal glycosuria) . However,
stored as triglycerides), or utilized for ketone bodies
(acetoacetate, B-hydroxylbutyrrate), or cholesterol syn-
because of the normal capacity of the liver to increase
thesis (Fig.1). Finally, glucose may be released into the
glucose production several fold, clinical hypoglycaemia
is rarely the result of excessive glucose efflux alone.
circulation for the immediate metabolic need of the
body. External losses are normally negligible.
Rather, it is commonly the result of hepatic glucose pro-
duction that is either decreased absolutely or inappropri-
Fig 1: Schematic representation of glucose metabolism
ately low relative to the rate of glucose utilization .
In African children with malaria and other infections, an
impairment in hepatic gluconeogenesis in the presence
of adequate levels of precursors has been considered the
most likely mechanism
Other suggested possible mechanisms of hypoglycaemia
in malaria include accelerated tissue metabolism;
metabolic requirements of the parasites and malabsorp-
tion of glucose probably secondary to changes in
splanchnic blood flow owing to a heavy parasite load in
. Sequestration of parasitized red cells in the
venules and capillaries of deep tissues may impair local
. This may necessitate a transition to an-
aerobic glycolysis releasing lactate and increasing glu-
cose consumption . High serum lactate levels in pa-
tients with malaria is thought to indicate lactate produc-
tion by the malaria parasites and anaerobic glycolysis in
tissues where the blood vessels have a heavy parasite
. Impaired hepatic gluconeogenesis
could also lead to high lactate levels from the Cori cy-
cle . Furthermore, the reduced dietary intake and the
associated vomiting as well as the increased metabolic
requirement caused by fever in malaria are other sug-
gested mechanisms of hypoglycaemia .
Mechanisms of hypoglycaemia in infections
Hypoglycaemia in other infective process like pneumo-
nia and septicaemia has been attributed to the increased
TCA cycle
metabolic requirement caused by fever as stated earlier
resulting in increased peripheral glucose utilization.
Studies have also shown that increased peripheral utili-
zation of glucose appears to be the primary mechanism
for hypoglycaemia in neonates with bacteraemia
Inhibition of gluconeogenesis is considered to be pri-
marily responsible for the hypoglycaemia in septicaemia
in a report by Filkins and Cornell.
Glycogen synthase
Endotoxins pro-
duced by organisms in infectious processes have also
Pyruvate kinase
been known to stimulate increased insulin secretion
causing hypoglycaemia
Pyruvate carboxylase
. These toxins can also
Phosphoenol pyruvate carboxylkinase
cause hypoglycaemia by contributing directly to deple-
tion of hepatic glycogen stores . Hypotension and de-
creased tissue perfusion in septic shock increase periph-
eral utilization of glucose because the shift to anaerobic
from aerobic metabolism requires 18 times more glu-
cose to produce the same amount of energy (ATP) .
Mechanisms of hypogyclaemia
Several mechanisms are known to cause hypoglycaemia
Mechanisms of hypoglycaemia in diarrhoeal disease
in children.
Theoretically hypoglycaemia could result
from excessive glucose efflux (excessive glucose utiliza-
Various factors ranging from hyperinsulinaemia,
tion or external losses), deficient glucose influx
hypoxia, fasting, malnutrition, ketosis and impairment
of gluconeogenesis have been suggested as the mecha-
nisms of hypoglycaemia in diarrhoeal diseases
Exact cause unknown – Small for gestational age,
Bennish et al noted that plasma levels of counter-
fetal distress, any sick newborn Neonatal sepsis,
regulatory hormones (glucagon, epinephrine and norepi-
Neonatal tetanus etc.
nephrine) were appropriately elevated while gluconeo-
B) Persistent (Neonatal, Infancy and early child hood 0
genic substrates were inappropriately low in the
children with diarrhoea and hypoglycaemia suggesting
Hyperinsulinism – Islet cell hyperplasia, Nes-
that the hypoglycaemia observed in such patients is of-
sidioblastosis, Islet cell adenoma, leucine sensitiv-
ten due to the failure of gluconeogenesis.
ity, Beckwith – Wieldeman syndrome
Glycogen Storage disease
Mechanisms of hypoglycaemia in malnutrition
Defect in gluconeogenesis
Hormone deficiency – Congenital Adrenal Hyper-
During severe malnutrition, gluconeogenic substrates
plasia, hypothyroidism etc.
such as alanine and lactate are significantly reduced
Miscellaneous – Galactosaemia, Fructose – intoler-
The capacity to generate glucose by gluconeogenesis is
ance, salycylate intoxication, Reye syndrome, hepa-
markedly diminished and alternate fuels such as ketones
or lactate are also reduced
. The resultant fatty infiltra-
tion of the liver causes glycogen and gluconeogenic
Older Children 1-18 years: The predominant condi-
substrate depletion. There is also defect in glyco-
tions complicated by hypoglycaemia as seen in the trop-
genolytic pathways and limited lipolysis .
ics include severe malaria, septicaemia, pneumonia and
protein-energy malnutrition.
Other cause
Mechanisms of drug-induced hypoglycaemia
side effects of drugs or drug overdosages, use of tradi-
tional concoctions as mentioned earlier amongst others.
Hypoglycaemia can also be caused by medications ad-
Hyperinsulinism, secondary to therapy of diabetes or
ministered to patients in the course of an illness. Drug
islet cell adenoma is also an important cause of hypogly-
therapy for malaria particularly quinine, may cause hy-
poglycaemia by stimulating insulin release
. The use
of other cinchona alkaloids like quinidine has also been
Persistent hypoglycaemia
associated with hypoglycaemia . Drug intoxications in
children can also cause hypoglycaemia. Excessive doses
There are few examples of persistent hypoglycaemia in
of salicylates (4 to 6g/day) can distort multiple bio-
children. These include persistent hyperinsulinaemic
chemical reactions to produce metabolic acidosis, hypo-
hypoglycaemia and ketotic hypoglycaemia. It must be
glycaemia or hyperglycaemia
. Accelerated utiliza-
pointed out that these classes of hypoglycaemia are
tion of glucose due to augmentation of insulin secretion
rarely reported in the tropics probably due to problems
by salicylates and possible interference with gluconeo-
with diagnosis.
genesis may both contribute to hypoglycaemia .
Accidental ingestion of ethanol is a common cause of
Hyperinsulinaemic hypoglycaemia is a heterozygous
poisoning in children in our environment.
In ethanol
condition in which insulin secretion becomes unregu-
intoxication, the liver metabolizes ethanol as a preferred
lated and its production persists despite low blood glu-
cose levels . It is the most common cause of severe and
fuel, and generation of reducing equivalents during the
persistent hypoglycaemia in neonates and children
oxidation of ethanol alters the NADH/NAD ratio that is
essential for certain gluconeogenic steps . As a result,
This could be monogenic or syndromic.Congenital hy-
gluconeogenesis is impaired and hypoglycaemia may
perinsulinism (HI) has been described under various
ensue if glycogen stores are depleted . Three to five
terms in the past including "idiopathic hypoglycaemia of
percentage of children with alcohol intoxication will
have hypoglycaemia . Overdosage of other drugs such
It has now become apparentt that
as insulin and oral hypoglycaemic agents can also cause
HI is caused by genetic defects in the pathways that
regulate pancreatic β -cell insulin secretion . Several
candidate genes mutations have been identified as re-
Cow’s urine concoction (CUC) is a mixture consisting
sponsible for CHI
including ABCC8, KCNJ11,
of cow’s urine, tobacco leaves, garlic leaves, basil
In a cohort from Tur-
leaves, lemon juice, rock salt and bulbs of onion . It is
key,mutations in the ABCC8 gene were found to be the
most common cause of CHI . Management of HI is
commonly used in Western Nigeria in the belief that it
controls convulsions or prevents febrile convulsions in
very difficult as current facilities for genetic diagnosis
children but it is known to cause severe hypoglycae-
and appropriate imaging are limited only to very few
. This could be due to the hypoglycaemic activ-
centres in the world and frequently requires difficult
and garlic contained in the mixture.
ity of onions
choices, such as near-total pancreatectomy and/or highly
intensive care with continuous tube feedings
Common aetiology of hypoglycaemia in Neonates
patients may respond to treatment with diazoxide, a
A) Transient 0-7 days
KATP channel agonist while others may also develop
Hyperinsulinism – Infant of Diabetic mothers,
diabetes in later life following the surgery.
erythroblastosis, discontinuation of intravemous
Ketotic hypoglycaemia is said to be the most common
form of childhood hypoglycaemia . It is also referred to
diagnosing hypoglycaemia in studies by the authors
as ketotic hypoglycaemia of infancy and classically
A brand of glucometer was found to have a sensitivity of
manifest between the ages of 18 months and 5 years and
96.00% (95% CI =81.81%-99.80%) and a specificity of
may remit spontaneously before the age of 10 years.
96.46% (95% CI=94.17%-98.02%).
The predictive
Typical history is of a child who may miss a meal due to
index of a positive test of 64.9% and the predictive in-
dex for a negative test of a 97.72%. An equally high
an infection usually an upper respiratory tract infection
and then develops hypoglycaemia form of childhood
specificity (99.8%) and moderate sensitivity (75%) of
hypoglycaemia . It is also referred to as ketotic hypo-
another brand of glucometer were observed with high
glycaemia of infancy and classically manifest between
positive predictive and negative predictive values of
94.7% and 98.7% respectively . However it remains
the ages of 18 months and 5 years and may remit spon-
taneously before the age of 10 years. Typical history is
imperative that at least, a sample should be sent to the
of a child who may miss a meal due to Convulsion may
laboratory for confirmation. Furthermore, in newborns,
occur at the time of hypoglycaemia and a presumptive
hypoglycaemia should be tested for in all infant of dia-
diagnosis is made by documenting a low blood sugar in
betic mothers irrespective of weight at birth and gesta-
association with ketonuria, ketonaemia and typical
tional age and in all babies born with a birth weight of
4kg and above . Children on nil per oris too should also
symptoms of hypoglycaemia. Ketotic hypoglycaemia is
prevented by limiting the duration of fasting and main-
have regular blood glucose monitoring. Once hypogly-
taining a high glucose intake during illnesses.
caemia is diagnosed, blood glucose should be deter-
mined frequently 30 minutes after initial correction and
Clinical features of hypoglycaemia
then hourly, 2 hourly and 4 hourly after obtaining two
normal readings form of childhood hypoglycaemia . It
The clinical manifestations of hypoglycaemia are non-
is also referred to as ketotic hypoglycaemia of infancy
specific . In addition, they vary among individuals and
and classically manifest between the ages of 18 months
may vary from time to time in the same individuals
and 5 years and may remit spontaneously before the age
of 10 years . Typical history is of a child who may miss
form of childhood hypoglycaemia . It is also referred to
as ketotic hypoglycaemia of infancy and classically
a meal due to
manifest between the ages of 18 months and 5 years and
Another benefit of bedside determination of blood glu-
may remit spontaneously before the age of 10 years.
cose is to prevent hyperglycaemia which may be caused
Typical history is of a child who may miss a meal due to
by unnecessary glucose administration to children that
Clinical manifestations of hypoglycaemia fall into two
are normoglycaemic or may even be hyperglycae-
categories. The first category includes features associ-
ated with the activation of the autonomic system and
epinephrine release usually seen with a rapid decline in
Treatment of hypoglycaemia
blood glucose.
, These features are sweating, trem-
bling, anxiety, nervousness, weakness, hunger, nausea
The primary objective of treatment is to restore the
blood glucose concentration to the normal range. The
and vomiting.
The second category includes features
due to decreased cerebral glucose utilization usually
hypoglycaemic child should receive an immediate bolus
associated with slow decline in blood glucose level or
of 0.25g/kg of dextrose as a concentrated solution (10-
prolonged hypoglycaemia.
These features are head-
25%) over a minute
. This should be followed
aches, visual disturbances, lethargy, lassitude, restless-
by a continuous dextrose infusion at 8-10mg/kg/min in
ness, irritability, difficulty in thinking, inability to con-
order to avoid rebound hypoglycaemia which may occur
within 30 minutes of the bolus injection
centrate and mental confusion. Others include somno-
. Glucose
lence, stupor, prolonged sleep, loss of consciousness,
level should be determined at 15 minutes after the bolus
coma, hypothermia, twitching, convulsion and bizarre
has been given and while the maintenance glucose infu-
neurological signs (motor and sensory), loss of intellec-
sion is running. If hypoglycaemia recurs at this time, a
tual ability, personality changes and outbursts of temper.
bolus of 0.5g/kg of glucose may be given and the
There could also be psychological disintegration with
glucose infusion increased by 25-50% until normogly-
caemia is achieved
manic behaviour, depression, psychosis, permanent
. High volume rates carry the risk
mental or neurological damage
of fluid overload manifest in pulmonary oedema and/or
Therefore it is important to consider the possibility of
heart failure. This can be minimized by the use of a cen-
tral venous catheter and concentrated solutions . Enteric
hypoglycaemia in any situation in which the signs or
symptoms are compatible with an inadequate supply of
feeding is encouraged if there are no contraindications.
glucose to the brain .
The glucose infusion and blood glucose determination
are discontinued after two consecutive normal blood
Diagnostic work up
glucose levels measured 30 minutes apart and patient is
eating well
. Infant of diabetes mothers should be fed
within 30 minutes of birth by the most possible route .
Any child that is sick enough to be admitted to the hos-
pital should be screened for presence of hypoglycaemia.
This is very important because most times, hypoglycae-
Complications of hypoglycaemia
mia is asymptomatic and when symptoms are present,
they are non-specific. Bedside meters have been vali-
A strong association between hypoglycaemia and in-
dated and found to be highly sensitive and specific for
creased mortality and morbidity has been documented
by several authors
. Hypoglycaemia appears to be
thors further noted that the hypoglycaemia of hyperin-
a function of the severity of illness in childhood and
sulinism is particularly dangerous because it is associ-
more severely ill children will be more likely to die than
ated with total absence of all brain fuels (low plasma
less severely ill ones.
Hypoglycaemia is also a major
lactate, ketones and glucose) and thus more easily pre-
disposes the individual to brain damage . The risk of
indicator of a poor prognosis in different disease entities
like cerebral malaria and gastrointestinal infections
brain damage from hypoglycaemia is highest when the
. Hypoglycaemia has been shown to be inde-
hypoglycaemia is prolonged or recurrent and the effects
have been shown to be more in the younger child .
pendently associated with speech and language impair-
ments and impairment of non-verbal functioning.
Nwosu et al reported that neurological sequelae were
about twice as common in children with cerebral malaria
and concomitant hypoglycaemia. The most frequently
occurring sequelae were cortical blindness, monoparesis,
aphasia, hemiparesis, generalized hypotonia, decerebrate
Hypoglycaemia is a common complication of many
syndrome and cerebellar ataxia
childhood diseases with varied pathophysiological
In a retrospective multicentre study, Lucas et al found
mechanisms. It is amenable to treatment but can cause
that moderate hypoglycaemia (<2.6mmol/L) may have
permanent neurological sequelae if prolonged or not
serious developmental consequences if present for five
treated promptly. Children who present in emergency
or more days during the first two months of life. This
are at special risk of hypoglycaemia. A high index of
provides compelling evidence that even asymptomatic
suspicion should be maintained when evaluating very
hypoglycaemia could be harmful . Menniet al
sick children for early detection and subsequent prompt
ported that hyperinsulinaemic hypoglycaemia was asso-
and aggressive management.
ciated with psychomotor retardation, learning disability,
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